Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Question of the day

Today's question comes to us from a reader named Susie. Susie wants to know: What will we do for fun when gas is too expensive to allow us to go anywhere, food is too expensive to entertain in our homes, and the writer's strike continues into infinity?

Well Susie, there's a ton of stuff you can do for fun that costs little or no money. I suggest you try any of the following things. You could:

1) Take up interpretive dance.

2) Become a rouge currency trader and help bring down the current financial system.

3) Write a blockbuster novel.

4) Make shadow puppets.
5) Stage track and field events in your backyard or in your neighbor's home.

6) Cuddle and reconnect with your family.

7) Write a blog that pisses off unhinged right wing corporate apologists.

8) Perfect cold fusion.

9) Have threesomes with men like this:

10) Have sing alongs with your friends.

Thanks for sending in that question Susie!

Do you have a question you'd like to ask me? Well, this is the perfect time since I'm answering one question every day all this month! Send me your question via email and if I like it, I'll answer it. Send those questions to monkeymuck(at)gmail(dot)com.


Anonymous said...

11) Create elaborate conspiracy theories, then post them on-line and see how quickly they get adopted by some folks as truth.

pissed off patricia said...

Good one, mwbworld.

Susie could master the art of watching grass grow. I've done it and it's very rewarding but a bit time consuming.

She might also try to define the origin of dust bunnies. I'm working on that one right now.

dguzman said...

That GKL is one multi-talented lady!

Mnmom said...

I haven't seen those hiking boots since Jr High!!!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

And you can invite your interpretive dance class, your singalong buddies and your relatives to join you with flashlights in the tent you made with your blanket. Good times!

GETkristiLOVE said...

And sometimes, me and Dr. Monkey just sit and stare at each other and communicate via telepathy.

Micgar said...

I like #7 a lot! Number 1-not so much!