Friday, December 28, 2007

Monkey See, Monkey Do Quick Reviews

I got this DVD for Sparky for Christmas and we watched it on Christmas night. It follows the spirit and basic structure of the book and over all it's a dang fine adaption. Kal Penn is very good in it, although I had a hard time buying him in the scenes where he was supposed to be high school age. The actors who played his parents were great and so were the women who played Penn's love interests. Director Mira Nair did a damn fine job with it. The film is beautiful to look at, and I have a feeling it'll be in heavy rotation here at Monkey Central now that we own it.

I also got Sparky DVD's of some of her favorite movies and this was one of them:
I can not tell you how much I love this movie. Everyone in it is pitch perfect, Natasha Lyonne, Alan Arkin, Marisa Tomei, Carl Reiner, the guy who played her brother, the creepy guy who takes her virginity, they are all great in this movie. Even though it's about a teenage girl who is growing into her new big boobs and dealing with her crazy family, I empathized and identified with her character. I think it must be due to the fact that I grew up with such a collection of freaks and nut bags like she did. This one is definitely one we'll toss into the DVD player every few months.
I recommend both of these films highly.


Micgar said...

I haven't seen The Namesake (yet) but I did The Slums of BH. That flick was great! I would rent that one again, anyday!

Fran said...

What micgar said exactly... word for word!

pissed off patricia said...

I just gotta crawl out from under my rock more often. I've never heard of either of these.

Missy said...

AH haha, I love The Slums!

I actually rented and watched The Namesake LAST NIGHT! It was not my fave film by that filmaker, but I would love the soundtrack. I felt like they crammed too much story into the film...I felt like I was missing something or that some things were glossed over. I will have to read the book.

dguzman said...

I'm with PoP--I don't have TV, so I never hear about any new movies. I'll definitely have to check both out.

Anonymous said...

Add Slums to Little Miss Sunshine and you'd have yourself one great movie festival.

Suzy said...

I liked The Namesake and would like to read the book. I need to get Cinderbelle watching more of Mira Nair's films. Mississippi Masala is still my favorite.

And BTW, I just took a peek at the cover of The Razor's Edge in your sidebar. I LOVED that movie.

I'm actually not a big fan of owning movies, but we are blessed with a good independent video store almost within walking distance, plus the public library where you can get almost anything.

Anonymous said...

We don't buy many movies either, I have a good independent and a library too.

I'll have to check out The Namesake. Salaam Bombay was a revelation and Mississippi Masala, well, starred Denzel W. and Sarita Choudury. RRRRaaaaaaarrrrhhhh! Google image search coming up.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Micgar-I agree. "Slums" was fantastic.


PoP-Yep, you need to get out more.

Missy-Speaking as one who read the book first, I thought they did a bang up job with the film. There was much they left out in order to trim the time down.

Dguzman-"Slums" is not a new film it's been out a few years so check in the "catalog" section Blockbuster if you go look for it.

Kirby-You know, I'd have to agree with you.

Suzy-Cinderbelle needs to see "Salaam Bombay."

Fourthcorner-I have never actually seen Mississippi Masala all the way through, don't hate me.

Dale said...

The Namesake sounds interesting and I like Mira Nair's work but 'Slums' is such an excellent film as you say. I feel bad that Natasha seems to have lost her way.