Saturday, December 15, 2007

New Vintage Photo Sets on Flickr

I just added some new scans of photos from children's picture books from the 60's, 70's and 80's on one of my Flickr accounts. This one is from Let's Take a Trip to Czechoslovakia.

This is from the early 60's classic Our Neighbors in Japan.

This one is from State Police.

My favorite pictures in this set come from the early 70's classic Calling Car 24 Frank: A day in the life of two New York City Policemen. This little book was astonishing to me not because it had such great photos that really captured that time period or because it had a Dragnet "just the facts ma'am" quality to it. It was astonishing to me because they chose to profile a mixed race team of cops, one of whom was a Muslim. Publishers would go out of their way today to keep any mention of Muslims on the NYC police force out of print.

Ah well, feel free to enjoy these pictures from a simpler more innocent time.


Joe said...

I love those old pictures. Keep up the good work!

Dale said...

Great photos, that one could also have been called Our Neighbors In Japan Take A Dump. And what's that kid waiting for? Get the lead out!

Randal Graves said...

Hell, they might not mention Muslim in any kind of context, period. Great find, sir. These old pics are neat.

Distributorcap said...

i love when you put up these old pics

Suzy said...

Ha! I guessed the nationality of the Czech dancers correctly, before I saw the caption. My years of going to the Milwaukee Folk Fair have paid off!

Hey, Doc ... have you seen the Japanese film "Skinny and Fatty?" It's from that same era, when Japan was still rebuilding from the war, and is one of my favorite children's films of all time. I recommend it.

dguzman said...

I am always amazed at how they were so much more open about race and class issues back then on TV. A show like All in the Family or The Jeffersons would never make it past the censors now.

Nice work, sir.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Bubs-I love them too, that's why I keep posting them.

Dale-Did you notice the shoes the kid with the bat has on?

Dale-Thanks, I think they're neat too.

Dcap-Me too.

Suzy-I never have seen that film but I'll keep an eye out for it.

Dguzman-Crazy isn't it.