Friday, December 7, 2007

In case you were wondering what ever happened to Lech Walesa...

He moved to Minnesota and he went to work for the State Patrol.

So did Vince Gill by the way. Turns out Amy Grant drove him off the deep end what with her constant singing of how much she loved Jesus, so he up and left her and moved to Minnesota.

Minnesota truly is the promised land where we can all reinvent ourselves!


Ubermilf said...

I am out of sanitizing wipes to clean up vomit.

Please send immediately.

Fran said...

One of the shortest relationships of my life took place in the mid 80's. On our second date he was cooking me dinner.

The (then records and Cd's) music collection? A little heavy on the Amy Grant.

Enough said.

Whiskeymarie said...

I hear that's our State's new motto:

"Come to Minnesota, be whoever the f**k you want to be."

Bumperstickers, anyone?

Jess Wundrun said...

Larry Craig went to Minnesota and found out he likes him the mens.

Suzy said...

What they said, and more.

Johnny Yen said...

My god! It's a miracle-- Chris Penn is still alive (the second guy) and working as a Minnesota state trooper!

Crayons said...

Astute identifications. I like Vince Gill's neatly styled hair thanks to the Flobie system.

On an unrelated subject, I just finished watching the film "The Boys of Baraka." It records the unspeakable with an unblinking gaze. There is now a large hole in my heart and, thanks to the testimonial by Bill Cosby, a quavering ray of hope in my eyes. Thank you so much for recommending it.

Distributorcap said...

i wonder if Lech checks (or czechs - groan) out the poles (more groans) in the minnesota bathrooms.

we could have new show -- MIPs - Ponch and Lech travel between Minneapolis and Duluth airports.......

Randal Graves said...

Wrong state, yes, but I can't help but have the CHiPs theme song gurgling in my skull right now.

Wherefore are thou, Larry Wilcox?

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Odd how Lech lost the stache after the move to Minnesota. You'd think it would serve him well, what with the state's blossoming porn industry and all.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

UberMILF-On the way, look for a UPS delivery sometime soon.


Whiskeymarie-Get that copyrighted now!

Jess-Just as long he stays away from the menses.

Suzy-I'll need better comments our of yo next time young lady. :)

Johnny-It's a xmas miracle.

Crayons-Ah sweet flowbie. I'll never forget the da I went from getting bowl cuts to a flowbie cut.

Dcap-No pole jokes please, or your czech may bounce.

Randal-He's down at the bus station hitting a crack pipe.

Barb-Minnesota is the land of cold boners.

Missy said...

"Minnesota truly is the promised land where we can all reinvent ourselves!"

True dat!

The cold keeps out the monotonous rif raf.