Monday, December 24, 2007

Dance monkey dance

Before Kristi and I head off down under, nudge nudge wink wink, I have an appointment to keep at Dr. Smith's place. That's right, tonight's the night of the big Disco Dance Party at his campaign HQ. It could not have come at a better time, I need to dance off all the calories I've taken in in the past few days.

I've been practicing my moves. Here, take a look:

Click here to watch me get down with my bad self.

I just know I'm going to win the dance off, just like I'm going to win the Presidential race!

Put your dancin' shoes on and come on over!


Micgar said...

Wheeew! Go for it, Monkey. Go for it!

Tengrain said...

That is the best Funky Chicken I've seen in years.

Best regards,


Dr. Zaius said...

You dance like a neoconservative, sir! A a neoconservative! I love the outfit, though. It's quite fetching, I must say.

Fran said...

As my friend MC Hammer would say, "you can't touch this!

I mean - you're good, but you are no iSplotchy on the dance floor.

Your political skills, that may yet indeed be another story, but don't tell Splotch I said that.

I mean he just did all that actual good deed stuff.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Micgar-I'm a dancin' fool.

Kevin-If I do it, can I call it the "Funky Monkey?"

Dr. Zaius-What can I say, I inherited the bad dancing gene from my father's side of the family.

Fran-I dance better than iSplotchy any day of the week! Now be off with you!

dguzman said...

Brass monkey, that funky monkey.

GETkristiLOVE said...

That's damn sexy Dr. Monkey!