Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Who else won't be in Mitt's cabinet?

With the news that Mitt will not appoint any Muslims to his cabinet hitting the internets like a tidal wave, the Romney campaign has announced who else will not be serving in the high levels of a Romney administration.

1) This little girl or her mother:

2) Mennonites
3) Quakers
4) Anabaptists
5) Samaritans (both good and bad)
6) Unitarians
7) Atheists
8) Rastafarians
9) Pastafarians
10) Low down no good Jesus hatin' Mormons

11) Clingy Mormon wives
12) Larry Craig
13) Blue Gal
14) Simians of all stripes
15) Nancy boys
16) Latinos
17) Blacks
18) Asians
19) Eskimos
20) Anyone who is not white or male


kim said...

Don't forget Cannibals Monk.

dguzman said...

don't forget "intelligent people"

Jay Allbritton said...

I just found out I'm Mormon over the weekend, and I would like to apologize for any and all comments I have made up to this point about Mitt. Romney all the way, baby!

mwb said...

Nor this guy, because everyone would be confused who was who.

Hint: One is just an empty headed puppet and the other is the original muppet.

Missy said...

Did you mention cyborgs in your list? I'll have to read through it again...

Missy said...

Oh, and the first Muslim congressman, Keith Ellison, represents my district ...he is from Michigan originally...should people from Michigan be added to the list? And people who voted for him?

bubbles said...

Or anyone associated with the ASPCA

Ubermilf said...

If I only had a penis...

Some Guy said...

Pastafarians really chap my hide, so that one really doesn't disappoint me.

Claire said...

Or Iraq war veterans...because the REAL patriots were home campaigning for Mitt.

Distributorcap said...

he WILL appoint Ken dolls and bush lovers tho

Fran said...

I think that there will be no Jews. Lieberman doesn't count.

Johnny Yen said...

I'm pretty certain left-leaning bloggers will be left out as well, even if they're white. Looks like you and I will have to find other jobs, Dr. Monkerstein.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking Druids are out, too.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Kim-How could I ever forget canibals?

Dguz-That goes without saying hon.

Station Agent-If you're Mormon then I'm Amish.

MWB-Dude, I love Guy Smiley.

Missy-That's cool you have a great Congressman, I have a douchebag for one.

Bubbles-You make one mistake with a dog and it haunts you for the rest of your life.

UberMILF-I'm sure UberDILF will lend you his.

Chris-May the fusilli be with you.

CDP-But of course and they were led by his sons.

Dcap-You're all about seeing the other side aren't you? :)

Fran-You anti semite, how dare you slag Bush's favorite Jew?

Johnny-Thanks for the news. I'll update my resume right away.

D Cup-Those tree hugging bastards, theu need to find real work and to stop humping woodland animals.