Friday, November 9, 2007

Wanna hear a good one?

Some kid who is heavy into Star Wars, which means he's never seen a naked woman other than on his computer and he still lives with his parents, called me a "stupid monkey" here in a comment on my blog yesterday. Wow, I can only guess that by "stupid monkey" he means: a guy who is smart, writes well, is funny, is someone who has seen a real live naked woman, and who actually lives with a hot chick.

Hey kid, I meant it when I told you to stop leaving comments here. Go on and play with your Star Wars toys and eat that sandwich your Mommy just made for you. Oh yeah, and learn some blog etiquette while you're at it.


BeckEye said...

He should've been able to come up with something better, like "Ewok's ass" or "son of a motherless Jawa."

Missy said...

I overheard this at a yard sale this summer:

10yr old looking kid: "Hey Mom- can I buy this light saber?"

Mom: "Why would you want that?"

10yr old looikng kid: "I can sell it back to some nerds at school for more money."

You are a fine ass Monkey!

Freida Bee said...

Actually, I think this boy is getting more action on his kindergarten playground than your commenteur, but that is beside the point that your ARE one fine ass monkey.

Can I pet your fur?
Can monkeys purr?

Whiskeymarie said...

I think your most recent poll said it all. Sweet monkey love...

dguzman said...

I always wanna look at your monkey, Monkey.

Anonymous said...

His mommy doesn't make his sandwiches, she's too busy watching her shows. She probably just throws a can of bean dip and some Cheezy Poofs down the basement stairs every night.

Ed said...

I looked for the comment (why I looked for it I can't say. It's probably best to ignore these people, but I wanted to see an example of extreme stupidity. It makes me feel so much better about myself) and couldn't find it. Did you delete it?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Ed-Yes I did delete it. Sorry.

Kirby-You're probably right.

Dguz-Hubba hubba, my monkey sez thanks.

Whiskey-Thanks girl, and monkey love back at ya!

Freida-You can pet my monkey any time.

Missy-Funny story!

Beckeye-People like him are humor deficient.

GETkristiLOVE said...

There are no stupid monkeys, only stupid remarks by mindless twits.

Don't pick on my Dr. Monkey or I'll take it to the ice!!!