Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Inventions that never caught on

Burn trash inside your house? Wow, just wow.


Anonymous said...

So that ad says don't breed disease germs in your home, right?

So does that mean I should calcinate The Spawn? Because they are the biggest disease germs I've ever bred. No matter how much I try, the e coli won't get big enough to feed the cats or clean a bathroom.

Fran said...

I think that the woman (if that is what she really is!) in the ad has a particularly wide stance.

Jess Wundrun said...

Neato! When I was a kid we had to burn all our trash in a burn barrel which was out in the apple orchard. (Jesus, I sound like a hayseed) It was a great chore 3 seasons out of the year, but in the winter I would've loved an indoor burn barrel.

I'm printing this ad and showing it to my parents who were obvious cheapskates. And if they tell me burning garbage in subzero temps built character, I will merely point to my grownup self and say "Wha? Have ya seen me lately?"

Splotchy said...

Is the Calcinator an effective tool in the prevention of osteoporosis?

Joe said...

That would be great for disposing of incriminating documents. I could use one of those.

dguzman said...

Bubs, Cheney's already got one of these for his documents. Where do you think all those emails went?

Seriously, WTF did this thing do, anyway? It actually burned stuff? And what's with the address part that says "Zone?" Uh--???

Whiskeymarie said...

Jess- we had a burning barrel too, if that makes you feel better. Oh the fumes I've inhaled...

Do you think the Calcinator comes in yellow? That would really spruce up my kitchen.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Presumably you could get rid of the oven and the furnace at the same time. Oh it would so efficient!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

D Cup-Calcinate the spawn? Never! Send 1.5 of them to me and I'll de-germ-ify them for you.

Fran-You've got Larry Craig on the brain girl. :)

Jess-We too had a burning barrel on the farm in Howell, Michigan. It must have been a Midwestern thang.

Splotchy-Yes and it does wonders for gout too!

Bubs-Hmmmm. You've got me curious now, what are you hiding sir?

Dguz-Yeah, it incinerated your trash in your kitchen. I can't imagine why it didn't catch on.

Whiskey-Mmmm, fumes.

Barb-You are so forward thinking, sometimes so much so it scares me.

Anonymous said...

I'm old enough to remember the incinerator that was in the backyard of my childhood home. It was made of concrete, stood about five feet high, and had an iron door that I would fold down and make my mudpies on. Now that I think about it, it kind of looked like a scale model of something one might find in a German concentration camp. Eww.