Hey lil Susie, why are you crying honey? Is it because your Congressman betrayed you in not over turning Our Child Hater in Chief's veto of the expansion of the SCHIP bill? Or is it because while you can't have the health care you deserve the big multi national corporations get more and more tax breaks?

Hey lil Amanda, dry those tears sugar booger because one day you will get some health insurance. When? Why when you join the US military and you go off to create more terrorists in the warwithoutendAmen in the Middle East! You get the best battlefield medical care that Uncle Sam has to offer. So just make sure you keep your little body healthy and strong because we're gonna need you to go fight the freedom hatin' Muslims soon.
Or, your mommy and daddy could move your whole family to Canada where they have single payer not for profit health care for all. And Barbara and her family live there too. And so does this nice lady:

You kids stop that crying right this second while I give this nice lady a nice long long long hug. Shush it now, I mean it. Mmmmmmmmm, the nice Canadian lady smells nice, all girly and maple syrupy. Mmmmmmm.
Canadian ladies smell like maple syrup? If they wore sausage earings they would be perfect.
Whoa, Monkey, whoa, eh.
Canadian ladies smell like maple syrup and pancakes and Canadian bacon - - with a little hint of beaver.
i *was* going to mention that i'm totally pissed about the fact that our president is uninterested in insuring (and therefore ensuring a future for) our children, but y'all have hijacked the comments with some dirty talk.
well played, everyone. well played.
Hey it's started to get crowded in my neighbourhood with all these ex-pats moving in. And we are starting to run out of those t-shirts! You guys have to bring more clothes when you come here.
Kirby-Mmmm, sausage.
Dguz-I'll stop when I get enough.
Urban Ped-Mmmm, beaver.
kelsi-that's how we roll yo.
Barb-I'll bring my long sleeve t shirts and some boxers, it's that enough?
I'd like to give her a hug too! A hug for hope. Hope that these last year of Bush is over shortly and we can get people's healthcare on the front burner again. Hug!
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