Right wing Republicans like to call the Democratic Party the party of death because they support a woman's right to choose, they do this of course while they blithely ignore the fact that they and their accomplices in the corporate media are the party of hatred and of fear.
Almost as soon as Abe Lincoln was laid to rest the Republicans turned their backs on black people and left them to the vagaries of Jim Crow in the south and elsewhere in this country as well. They made a conscious choice to abandon the voting block that would have remained loyal to them forever just so they could collect graft and patronage jobs in the north.

Then later on they became the party of xenophobia. They have always actively tried to stop immigrants from coming in and making this country their home. They did it to the Irish, the Italians, the Eastern Europeans, the Chinese, the Vietnamese, and now they want to do it to the Mexicans. They invoke all kinds of nightmare scenarios to keep people, mostly their base of voters who refuse to think rationally and for themselves, afraid and on edge so they can exploit them later.
The Republican party has also always, and that bears repeating, always been against any social or economic change or program that benefits the greatest amount of people in this country. They were dead set against all the New Deal programs like TVA that helped so many people out of poverty in the Great Depression. They were against Social Security, and then later on their lap dog Ronald Reagan exempted wealthy people from paying into the Social Security fund after they made over a certain amount of money which is why Social Security may be in trouble down the line when more and more Americans start to retire. They fought against Medicare and Medicaid, and they have succeeded in cutting both back. They were against the women's and gay equality movements. They were against every union that was ever formed in this country and they continue to try to curtail the reach of unions to this day. They've been against work place safety laws and worker safety because they claim it costs their supporters too much money. They want to keep a bogus war going so as to keep us all afraid and to keep their pals in the war machinery business rich. And finally today they want to deny millions of American children health insurance and they and their accomplices in the corporate media smear any family and child for speaking out in favor of the SCHIP program.

So really, who is actually the party of death? It's the Republicans of course. They want to kill anyone in the Middle East who gets in the way of oil flowing to the USA and who gets in Israel's way. They want little children to die so their pals in corporate medical world can make obscene amounts of money. They want to keep us all yoked to menial jobs that make us miserable so we can keep their corrupt system going and keep the flow of cash going straight into their pockets. And to top it off they accuse anyone who disagrees with them of being unpatriotic and a terrorist. They only thing I can say about that is they darn well know what unpatriotic looks like, they see it in the mirror every time they look at their reflections.
It's time for all good citizens to come to the aid of our country and to turn out these pack of bloodthirsty jackals and to put in power progressives who will govern in the interest of all people and not just a tiny white evangelical hard right minority. Lets not forget that in 2000 the man who most Americans wanted to be President was not allowed to take office, let's not let something like that happen again in 2008.
amen to all of that! I think republicans believe that if Hillary gets the nomination they will be able to win anyway because so many are sexist and stupid and will vote against her. that is one reason why I don't want her to win the nomination. however, if she wins I am on board and I hope that democracy will truly be functioning at this point and that we can fairly elect her into office without the dirty dicks/tricks campaign from the republicans and their lock step march into fascism/military dictatorship! my step-dad, who was a union man, told me long ago and I still think it applies to this day: the republicans are for the rich man and the democrats are for the working man and I vote with my wallet and since I'm a working man I'm gonna vote democrat.
oh, that is a political vulva lip twitching post if I've ever heard one and a fantastic call to action.
my biggest concern is voter turnout or people not voting for a democrat that will really truly make it into office.
like the most recent presidential debacle. oops. election, every vote will count. let's just hope this election isn't as corrupt.
jewgirl leaves the best comments! vulva lip twitching. love that!
anyway - it was that kind of post dr!
monkey-liciously good writing, as usual.
i really want to see the dems get focused and into the issues. which does not mean nominating hillary.
Lovely elephant graphic, Dr. Monkey!
Liberality-Amen to your Amen!
Jewgirl-I do love to make you lip twitch.
Fran-My worst fear is Hilary gets nominated.
Beth-I knew someone would like it.
What a bunch of fine-lookin', upstandin', right-thinkin' boys those are! So clean-cut! So sharply dressed! I'm sure they'd help an old lady like me cross the street!
Right before they curbed me.
If I had a vulva, it would be a-twitchin' right now! Great post!
I heard that more Iraqis have died since the war started than were ever exterminated by Saddam. Come November, if it's McCain vs. Clinton, I just might have to cross over the border (illegally). North, south, it probably wouldn't matter. Heh.
disagree completely
feel free to bag all of us conservatives together in some mish mash hate group
I'm not for name calling so I'll leave that to lesser educated people than myself
You have made a poor showing with the nonsense you have posted here
shameful, really
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