Thursday, October 18, 2007

Boy howdy!

The latest video from the 35%ers is out and it's a doozy! And yes, I'd say that even if I hadn't come up with the original idea and the first script for it. But let's give credit where credit is due, and most of that goes to Manila Ryce for taking my idea and turning it into something so good that I'm in awe of his awesomeness. Credit also goes to the fabulous folks who did the voices and to Dennis Kucinich for being such a great progressive candidate. Watch it, take it to heart, then spread it like wildfire!


Snad said...

I love it - not least because they said "180 degree turn" instead of the moronic "360" that too many use these days.

GETkristiLOVE said...

I like how the T in Tucker is out of view so it looks like another word. ;)

GETkristiLOVE said...

BTW, I have a birthday coming up in October and Christmas is right around the corner - does this mean I get a sock monkey for my hockey bag?!

Manila Ryce said...

Ah shucks Dr. Monkey. You're gonna make a black man blush. It's you who came up with the idea and basic framework of the script. I merely stood on the shoulders of a giant. A giant monkey. A giant monkey who shoots fireballs out of his mouth during the full moon. Sorry, I was playing too much Dragonball over the weekend. Anyway, the praise is to be shared by all. And by "all" I mean you and I.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Snad-I laugh my ass off when I hear people say 360 when they mean 180.

Kristi-One never knows dear.

Manila-Lay off the Doritos next time you get on my shoulders. :) Great job on the whole project, seriously dude.

Freida Bee said...

Dr Von Monkerstein, your brilliance has seeped through your stoic veneer of proprietary slaughterdome again.

Micgar said...

Gosh-golly Beav! That was a great little flick! I'll send it around!

Suzy said...

Love it. Posting it.