Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Never forget

As the Reich wing tries to make it seem like the nightmares of the Bush junta are all some how Hillary Clinton's fault let's never forget that it was under a REPUBLICAN President that the Consumer Safety Product Commission was defanged and shit like this happened as a result. Oh yeah, did you lose a pet to the tainted Chinese pet food as well? How about your kids? Did they lick and bite those lead paint infected toys made in China? Oops, I better shut my monkey mouth of that twat from CNBC will go snitch on me to the Chinese and then they'll stop making the cheap lead paint infected shit they sell at Wal-Mart.

And let's not forget who ran up huge deficits after the budget had finally been balanced after years of deficit spending by Bush the elder and his lover Ronald Reagan.

And never forget who it was who took away your civil liberties after they let the 9/11 attacks happen.

And never forget who plunged this country in a war for revenge and for oil.

And never forget that Bush and Cheney have been wrong on every major issue of the past eight years.

And always remember who made jokes about looking for weapons of mass destruction in the Oval Office while thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's died for nothing in the war of terror.

And don't forget that you have freedom of religion only if you are an evangelical kristian.

And don't forget who refuses to allow more children to be covered under the SCHIP program.

Oh yeah, and don't forget that the Republicans in Congress have held up every major piece of legislation that will benefit the biggest majority of the people in this country.

And don't forget to keep reminding people about all that stuff as we get closer and closer to the election next year.
And finally, please remember to make Bush the first name of any and all Repbulican candidates in your area, for instance Bush Romney, or Bush Guilani, or Bush McCain. Maybe that way people will remember that this mess was started by that idiot and his Reich wing buddies.


Randal Graves said...

Haven't you heard of The Clenis Effect? It was a big blockbuster. Starred the dude from That 70s Show and Linda Tripp. Bill shoots his load down some broad's throat, and voilà, rampant pseudo-Naziism.

Claire said...

The whole pet food and lead-paint-on-toys mess puzzles me, in that everyone acts so shocked about it. Let's outsource everything to China and then gape in utter amazement at the fact that (gasp) they cut some never seemed to occur to certain corporate wizards that this corner-cutting might, just might be the reason why they can manufacture things so much more cheaply. Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Bush Romney, Bush Ghouliani, Bush Thompson, Bush McCain (okay, the far fetchedness makes me giggle). So much Bush, you have to hack through it with a machete!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Randal-Yep, it all goes back to Clinton's BJ.

CDP-We'll outsource everything to China until the damn Mexicans start making our cheap shit cheaper.

D Cup-I'd never take a machete to your bush. :)

dguzman said...

You're on a roll, Monkey.

We've been boycotting Walmart for years, and we're constantly ridiculed by people for spending more on organic and American-made stuff. I'm always amazed at how many of these reich-wingers will claim they're patriotic because they support the war, yet they'll contribute to the death of American industry and loss of jobs by shopping walmart and buying everything made in China and elsewhere. Fecking idiots.