Friday, October 26, 2007

It's about time

Well at least four out of seven people in Georgia have some common sense. If I lived in GA I'd be working like crazy to get this bastard thrown out of office and disbarred for making that kid stay in prison as long as he did.

Welcome back to the outside world young Mr. Wilson. I hope you remember that not all of us are as big a prick as the idiot who kept you in prison is.


Randal Graves said...

To angry up the blood even further, just think: Congressman Mark Foley will never see a nanosecond inside a cell.

Cup said...

I have never cast a vote for Thurbie.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Randal-Thanks for pissing me off more. I really appreciate it.

Beth-Good for you. I knew there was another reason why I liked you so much.

SamuraiFrog said...

Huh, I remember reading about justice once. It's weird to see it in practice.

Micgar said...

This Thurbert Baker character reminds me of that other black extreme right wing fool-Vernon Robinson-that guy that had ads that extolled the Leave it to Beaver "whitewashed" world he wanted to take North Carolinans back to.
Glad the poor kid is out. Justice is served.