Monday, September 17, 2007

Ya gotta love the Russian gals

While looking up info about Kukuruza and Irina Surina (yes, her name does rhyme) for a post the other day I noticed in her official website she gave her email address on her contact page. So I decided to send her the link to my post and guess what? She emailed me back, well it may have been her or it may have been one of her minions, but how cool is that in either case? You think Lindsay Lohan would email me? Hell no, she's too busy threatening crack dealers. Britney Spears? Nope, she'd be all like, "Hell naw don't email his monkey ass, them things cain't read anyway. Hey you kids get don't be sticking wire hangers in electrical outlets again! Mommy and K-Fed done telled ya'll that shit ain't cool."
In my email to Ms. Surina I basically told her that I had seen her and her band back in 1993 and how much I enjoyed them and I gave her the link to my post. She sent me back this nice little electronic missive:
Hello Steven.
Thank you for your attention to me. I will put your link on my website!
With best wishes,
Who knew Russian gals were so nice? Damn our Cold War era Presidents for making us afraid of them! If you ever get to Johnson City Ms. Surina, give me a shout and I'll buy you a beer or a bottle of vodka and I'll cook something for you, my little babushka.
Kukuruza forever!


kelsi said...

you see, the russians, they have to be warm. there are many cold nights for them to fend off. otherwise, they would have just frozen into the tundra centuries ago.
that's my thought, anyway.

Dr. Zaius said...

That is way cool! You now have a celebrity website. I may work up the courage to contact Sandra Lou!

dguzman said...

Look at you, bringin' down that Berlin Wall all on your own. You cold peace-ior, you!