Monday, September 17, 2007

What's the one thing Republicans fear most of all?


kim said...

Umm Monkey....

I'm not quite sure what to say. My daddy wouldn't like me looking at thi picture.

Freida Bee said...

Yep, I'm a democrat alright. And I just proved it by saying that nasty shit cause it's my american duty.

J.D. said...

I thought it was Jesus on a white horse with a machete and an angry look on his face screaming "WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE IN MY NAME?!?!?!?!?!" and charging at them. Hm. I guess Viagra Satan™ would suffice.

Pam said...

warn a girl before you stick that thing out there, will ya monkster?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Kim-Sorry sugar, don't go squealing on me will ya.

Freida-Heh heh heh, you said, "doodie."

JD-"Viagra Satan, he's not a little prick!"

Pam-Aww come on now Pam, you've seen those before. At least twice. :)

Anonymous said...

Add a white blowup doll, get rid of the blue sky, and you'd have The White Stripes next album cover.

Katie Schwartz said...

no, sweet simian stud, TOPS THEIR OWN AGE.