Saturday, September 15, 2007

Quick question

What do these two have in common besides the fact that they are both trying to become their party's Presidential nominee?
Give up?
Okay, then I'll tell you. They are the top two recipients of monies raised from military personnel and organizations that represent military personnel.
Crazy huh? Two candidates who advocate getting the hell out of Iraq now are getting the most money from people who are fighting this insane war.
You other war mongering candidates would do well to get with the mainstream of this country and start opposing the war too. Except of course for you Mr. McCain, you can keep screaming how well the surge has worked. It's okay John, we all know you flipped out in the Hanoi Hilton and made a promise that if the USA ever got into another war that you'd see to it that we stayed until the bitter end.


Snad said...

Hey, Monkey - shoot me your sources for this will ya? I'd like to work that into the Rally.

IQofa43rdpresident said...

All of the republicans suck, I don't get why they are even running for office it should just be Democrats vs. Democrats

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Snad-It was in yesterday's USA Today. Let me know if you need a copy.

iq-I agree. But I wish we could toss Nader and some socialists in the mix.

Snad said...

IQ - I doubt we would notice the difference if they did!

Monkey - if you would please. Hopefully, USAT cites their sources, because I don't consider them a source!

Fran / Blue Gal said...

Kucinich, imho is the only believeable anti-war candidate.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Snad-I got you a copy and I'll slip it to you Monday so rest easy.

Bluegal-Duh. I know Special K is the only viable antiwar candidate. That's one of the many reasons why I support him so much.