Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Naked bike riding... saves you from nude car smell. H/T to Gorilla 88 for the photo.


BOSSY said...

Where have you been all of Bossy's life -- and how fast do you think it will take her to add you to her blogroll, hold the mayo?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Bossy-I've been here waiting on you.

Pam said...

Why is it that ATTRACTIVE people never get naked in public???

Bike seats up the buttcrack do not look too fun.

dguzman said...

I had the same thought as Pam; and I can already feel my delicate booty flesh being pinched on the vinyl seat.

Love the guy in the cowboy hat. Ride 'em, big daddy.

Fran said...

Clearly late to the party but I did want to say that I did do this once and it did make my hiney hurt.

OK, I am lying but it wouldmake my hiney hurt if I did it!!

Suzy said...

Unattractive is as unattractive does. Beauty is only skin deep. Etc, Etc.

This is actually how I go to my job at the local elementary school every day. It saves getting my clothes all sweaty and smelly. I try not to ride up to the playground when the kids are already there -- might upset a few parents. They're such prudes! In January, here in Wisconsin, it's especially bracing. You should try it sometime.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

God I hope that everybody wipes down their bikes seats.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Pam-I know how you feel. It's the same way with swingers I've heard, only ugly people swing.

Dguzman-Ouch. The thought of your booty flesh getting pinched makes me wince.

Fran-Come clean girl, you ride in the b uff and you know it. It's waht brought you and Mr. HeIs together.

Suzy-Remind me to come catch you riding your bike in winter, I'll bet your "brights" will be on!

Barb-Wipes them down and then buries their wiping cloths.

Freida Bee said...

I enjoy thinking about the people who were walking down the street at that time. I would love to be one of them.