Friday, August 17, 2007

Why is it that... the aftermath of the VA Tech shootings that the NRA and the Republicans immediately said that the last thing we needed then was more restrictive gun control laws?

Why is it that when that bridge collapsed that Bush said that the states didn't need any more money to fix stuff like that?

Why is it that when that mine caved in that business people went on TV and shouted that the last thing American business needed was more restrictive regulations?

Why is it that in the aftermath of the massive toy recall that the twat who Chris Matthews was crushing on says that China is our friend and that if we are not nice to them then they may stop making our shitty toys and thereby raising prices at Wal-Mart?

Any sane person knows that guns need to be regulated more strictly, just ask the parents of any person shot dead in this country.

Any sane person knows that if we were not wasting billions on the wars of terror that we could use that money to fix bridges, roads, and schools, you know that stuff we all use.

Any sane person knows that big business will never do anything to safeguard their workers unless forced to do so by the government.

Any sane person knows that if we moved manufacturing back here that prices will rise but so will wages.

Holy crap, we need a change from the bizarro Bush years. And I pray (though I'm not sure who I'm praying to since I am a non believer) that people are not stupid enough to think Hillary "Former Wal-Mart Board of Directors member" Clinton will be any different than Bush.


Freida Bee said...

There's is a little Wal-Mart ditty in my post today. If you had used that Wal-Mart Always Fucking People Over Always pic yet again, I was going to have to steal it again. These are. like, duh points, but they need to be restated clearly or else the status quo looks like a good idea again.

Distributorcap said...

you cant say these points enough, thanks Dr M

we also need to run that little shit Grover Norquist so far out of town

as for Tweety Matthews --- do not get me started......after what he said about Obama's name

pissed off patricia said...

I'll just second what distributorcap said. If I get started I won't shut up until sometime tomorrow.

Fran said...

I say if you want to prevent another VA Tech, get everyone the personal taser as shown on my blog. Family friendly colors for everyone and no one will f**k with you.

Grover Norquist- puking now.

Matthews........ its all over.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Freida, dcap, and Pissed-We all need to keep repeating this shit until they listen.

Fran-A tastr or a gun is the last thing my quick tempered ass needs.

Joe said...

Well said Doctor.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...
