Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Roll out the welcome wagon!

Welcome to the new additions to the blog roll!

First up is former chef and current Boston area IT guy Devilham of Devilham's Attic. He blogs about food, his job, politics, and his family. If there is a cuter baby boy than his anywhere in the world I'd love to see it. He posted his recipe for Carolina Style BBQ Sauce the other day and if you missed it you better go check it out and look at his cute kid while you're there.

Next up is Suzy at Luminiferous Ether. She's a Wisconsin blog gal like our pal Jess Wundrun and Miss Suzy is a progressive woman after my own heart, what with her love for local and organic foods and all.

And last but never least is the force of nature known as UBERMILF. She's bringing us light and love, but no porn, from the Chicagoland area. What is is with all you Midwest bloggers anyway? Why are you all so witty and smart and required reading?

Now leave me alone while I work on my tan, I'm going to the beach week after next and I got to catch some rays, in the mean time go by and say "Hi!" Tell them Dr. Monkey sent you.


Devilham said...

Thanks for the shout out Doc!!!

Ubermilf said...

I feel all tingly inside. And it's not just the picture of you in a bathing suit and a fez. Although that's a contributing factor.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Devilham-You are more than welcome my man.

UberMILF-I'm a hot sweaty monkey in my bathing suit. Out of it however I am not much to see.