Friday, August 24, 2007


So two DUI's and coke possession only gets you one day in jail in LA? Holy shit I'm moving there ASAP and I'm gonna drive plastered and coked up every freakin' day. Then I'll hook up with Robert Blake and OJ and we'll cap some asses for fun.

You know what her light sentence means don't you? It means she was right when she slurred to that dude, "I can do what I fucking want, I'm a celebrity."

I'm adding Lindsay Lohan to list of Hollywood assholes who's movies I will never ever watch again. She joins Mel Gibson on that prestigious list.


Jess Wundrun said...

what will you do with all that free time?

Cup said...

I'm so bored with Ho-han and her ilk.

dguzman said...

Thanks for the update; just reinforces my resolve to steer clear of L.A. and the TV set.

P.S.-that is one un-flattering photo, man.

NotSoccer Mom said...

seriously, though, you're not going to miss much. it's not like she can act!

mwb said...

So what you're saying is you'd sleep with her, but you'd feel bad about it?


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Jess-I'll probably use that free time to masturbate more.

Beth-You and me both sister.

Dguzman-There are worse photos out there, that was the least objectionable one.

Notsoccermom-I agree!

Mwb-Of course I feel bad about sleeping with her, wouldn't you?

Johnny Yen said...

Jesus, one of my old students is looking at 2-3 years for possession of weed. Oh, yeah, he's a poor black male, not a rich white female movie star. I forgot.