Thursday, August 2, 2007

I could not resist this last post before I go

I found this on Boing Boing and they got it via

Wal-Mart Pays Teens $0 an hour!!!

The young (14+) teenagers that Wal-Mart employs as after-school baggers at its Mexican stores earn nothing at all -- paid only in tips. Technically, this complies with local labor laws, while violating the hell out of their spirit.

The company doesn’t try to conceal this practice: its 62 Superama supermarkets display blue signs with white letters that tell shoppers: OUR VOLUNTEER PACKERS COLLECT NO SALARY, ONLY THE GRATUITY THAT YOU GIVE THEM. SUPERAMA THANKS YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING. The use of unsalaried youths is legal in Mexico because the kids are said to be “volunteering” their services to Wal-Mart and are therefore not subject to the requirements and regulations that would otherwise apply under the country’s labor laws. But some officials south of the U.S. border nonetheless view the practice as regrettable, if not downright exploitative.

In the interests of fairness we invited the CEO of Wal-Mart to defend his company and he took us up on our offer.

"Heh heh heh, looks like ya'll smarty pantses caught us. Heh heh heh. You know what tho? Them stores are in Mexico and not News Mexico, so the US labor laws don't apply to them peoples. Like we care about labor laws anyways, heh heh heh. Them Mexican teens is glad to work for tips, just like them rabbis in the leper colonies, heh heh heh, thass a joke. But they is glad to work for tips I tell ya. They's just earning enough money to pay a coyote to git 'em over here when they's old enough to work our good payin' fruit and vegetable pickin' and construction jobs here in the USA of America. What?...

Why is ya'll lookin' at me like that?

We didn't do nothin' wrong. My law attorneys telled me it wasn't illegal. What?

Stop looking at me like that!!!

Ya'll go on and go shopping and leave me alone.

We's Wal-Mart and we kin do anything we dang well want!!!

Now go on and go shop in one of our fine stores or Ah'm turnin' you in for being a terrorismist."


Anonymous said...

Why the glamorous world of bagging is such that people pay companies to work as baggers!

The only danger is exhaustion avoiding the paparazzi who following baggers - and of course the many beautiful women seeking to have sex with baggers!

Jay Allbritton said...

But the tips must be great! Not.

Have a good vacay, monkey!

Splotchy said...

Ah, it's comforting that no matter what evil you can imagine that a corporation engages in, the truth often turns out to be far worse.

Distributorcap said...

when you cant build a wall --- let 'em bag.

Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...

WalMart sucks! I don't go there!

Have a great vacation! :)

joshhill1021 said...

Yet another reason why I will never never never shop at a walmart

robkroese said...

And yet, if Wal-Mart left, those kids would have no income. And I'm guess they're not using the money to buy iPods.

KELSO'S NUTS said...


Ever since Clarence Thomas was promoted to Supreme Court to replace T. Marshall (excuse me while I slit my wrists), Kelso has been waiting for something like this. "This" to be explained in a moment. At first, Kelso assumed it would be a "will work for food" case or an undocumented Mexican immigrant being paid in food that would bring "this" to the fore. But the Wal-Mart issue may well be the one.

By "this" Kelso means the ultimate Supreme Court decision RE-LEGALZIING SLAVERY with Clarence Thomas writing the opinion for the Majority. Kelso tinkered with the idea as a screenplay or a sci-fi novel for a while, then got lost in other stuff, but the idea never went away.

I actually believe that slavery will be officially re-legalized by the U.S. Supreme Court within the next 12 years. And Clarence Thomas WILL write the majority opinion.

TY, btw, for all of the great blog links and especailly for the link to the poker bb's.

Pam said...

*shaking head sadly*

wal-mart sucks ass!

Cup said...

Yet another reason to continue with my Walmart boycott.