Sunday, August 26, 2007

The gift that keeps on giving (unfortunately)

All this nonsensical Reagan worship the Reich wing and the Republican Presidential candidate are doing is really burning my ass lately. What they are trying to do is to re-write history to fit their own twisted agenda.

Reagan was a mediocre President who benefited from being in the right place at the right time. The USSR was going to collapse under it's own weight regardless of whether he stood in front of the Berlin wall and told Gorby to tear it down or not. The economy was going to pick up whether he cut taxes on the rich or not, in fact we spent much of the Reagan years mired in recession.

Let's take an honest look at some of his accomplishments:
1) He callously avoided mentioning or doing anything about AIDS until it became clear that it was going to spread beyond gay men.
2) He did nothing to empower or to help people of color.
3) He went on a military spending spree that nearly bankrupted this country.
4) He stood behind every right wing terrorist group that tried to over throw a legally elected government, cases in point his support of the Contras in Nicaragua and the death squads in Guatemala and El Salvador.
5) He attacked a tiny tropical island nation, Grenada, because it had a few Communists in it's government.

But the worst thing Reagan did was deregulation. He deregulated every thing he could get his hands on in the name of freeing up American business so it could compete better world wide. He stopped tougher mileage standards from being adopted, he defanged OHSA and MSHA, and he helped get many more regulations and worker safeguards repealed or stopped when he was President.

We are still reeling from the after effects of his bullshit lo these many years hence. Do you honestly think our climate would be in such trouble today if he had not allowed business and industry to pollute more? Do you honestly think that we'd have such a huge stock pile of weapons if he had not kept crying about how "weak" we were? Do think the culture of corruption in Washington DC wold be so high if he had not allowed his business cronies to run things and write our nations laws?

Some of the results of Reagans "freeing up" of American business have resulted in that mine disaster in Utah, the lead paint coated kiddie toys, a Wal-Mart on every corner, that Starbucks they're getting ready to open inside your colon, and the insanity that things in nature can be patented by a multi national corporation.

Imagine for a moment how many fewer deaths from AIDS we'd have to today if he'd put the power of the federal government to work on finding a cure. Imagine how much safer we would really be today if he had stopped propping up dictators and regimes who kill and torture their citizens.

While you're imagining that, just remember that if Reagan had not set the example of corrupt Reich wing cronyism then we might not be saddled with this asshole today.


Snad said...

I LOVE That billboard! If I lived in New Zealand I would always order pizza from Hell!

Cup said...

Excellent, damn excellent post, Dr. M. I'm going to send this to my friends still fooled by the Reich.

Freida Bee said...

Thank you! It's like you read my mind, but smarter.

Matthew Hubbard said...

Little attacks in the class warfare system started by Ronald Wilson Reagan.

1. He lowered taxes, but decided unemployment benefits were taxable. Yes, the government takes money out of your paycheck, and if you qualify to get some back, they want a cut yet again. Compassionate conservatism at its finest.

2. Social Security taxes. They went up big time, but it was decided that once you made a certain amount of money, you didn't have to pay into the system anymore that year. If that cap was removed, the "crisis" that George W. Bush spent (read squandered) his political capital on in 2005 would be pushed back far beyond 2050.

3. The "core" inflation rate. This crap number was invented so that Cost Of Living Adjustments (COLAs) could be lowered for the government payments to its citizens. The core rate is pure bullshit, getting rid of "volatile" food and energy costs, a complete mismeasure of the economic picture now considered the "real" inflation rate mentioned in news stories.

Did I use enough quotation marks in that last paragraph?

Angry Ballerina said...

I second Beth, fuckin good post. (really quite educational. so sad I'm getting some of the best of my education reading blogs, eh?)

Distributorcap said...

great post.....i have always loathed this man -- "the great communicator" -- he was a shitty actor using the one skill he had --- being "charming" in front of the camera. and what a great parent he was - his kids sure loved him!!!! and his 'sainted' wife -- remember this woman made decisions with an astrologer.

the problem is things are SO friggin bad now -- Saint Ronny looks like Abraham Lincoln by comparison. but you are dead on right how his misuse and abuse of the office led us directly to the 2 members of the crime family we have been saddled with. and you forgot about his wonderful handling of Iran-Contra -- and how he charmed his way out of that one.

The US Govt has become one giant American Idol audition.....

Life As I Know It Now said...

Good post Dr. M. I loathe Reagan and all that his propred up presidency has inspired. Because of Ronny, we get Bush right behind him and by extention his son from hell. Yes he is evil. The blood on Bush II hands can never be washed off, it flows even now as another soldier is killed or another child in Iraq is poisoned by DU shells.

By the way, is that billboard real? I'd have to go visit that town, where ever it is, if there is truly such a billboard. I'd have to have my picture taken by it.

Fran said...

His awful legacy continues to unfold like exploding shit.

I used to say back in those salad days called the 80's... Beware of these two men who seem like such nice old men... Ronald Reagan and Pope JPII.

Was I right or what? If you all were around me in those days instead of the right wing nut jobs that composed many of my friendships then, well just imagine.

And Matty my man- dead on with the COLA BS. Arggghhhhhh... It infuriates me.

Along with everything else.

You've outdone yourself (again) with this one Dr.

mad said...

Damn right. Not only was Reagan a shitty president, he was a pretty crappy actor too.

Micgar said...

Great post! I never thought that this guy was vernerable or charming. The news media and his admirers put that upon him.
His legacy is that he will be remembered for fostering the hatred the hatred around the globe from various nations that had hated regimes propped up by his admin; the nurturing and strengthening of the religous right, and the deregulation that you spoke so well of, that we are still dealing with, in terms of lax safety standards/poor treatment of workers.
There was a book out a long time ago an I think it was called "There you go again...the ? of Ronald Reagan" (not the ass-kissing, similarly-named one) that documented all his offenses but I have not been able to find it.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Snad-You'd have to get behind me for some of that pizza.

Beth-Send away my dear!

Freida-Thanks hon. You remind me of me, only you're sexier.

Matty boy-Well made points and one can never use enough quotation marks.

AB-We all learn where we can. Thanks for seconding Miss Beth.

Dcap-We stand together in our loathing of Reagan.

Liberality-Thanks for yor kind words about my post. That billboard is real however it is in New Zealand.

Fran-Exploding shit, yikes!

Mad-You're right, his acting is crap.

Micgar-If you find that book let me know. Thanks for stopping by!

dguzman said...

PURE GOLD, Dr VM! The perfect complement to my "Bedtime for Gonzo" morning. Thanks!

Ubermilf said...

I'm late to this party, but ... considering Gonzo's newsiness, don't forget Reagan's attorney general, Ed Meese, who said suspects don't need their rights upheld because if they were innocent they wouldn't be suspects.

I'm paraphrasing; I was in high school at the time.