Monday, August 27, 2007

Don't let the door hit you on the way out Gonzo

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere!"

Sorry Gonzo, I didn't mean you.

I meant this Gonzo:

He said he was gonna stay in office so he could protect the kids of this country. I'm not clear from whom he was going to protect them. It may have been from his law breaking bloodthirsty boss. Or it may have been the many Reich wing religious sex perverts. Or perhpas it was from all those voters who registered and voted illegally.

No, I got it, he resigning to protect the kids from his incompetent stupid toadying self. Good thing too because kids, and no one else for that matter, don't need an Attorney General with unlimited powers. They don't need an Attorney General who stood by and let his boss's brain politicize the one cabinet department that should remain neutral. They don't need an Attorney General who chooses to only enforce laws that benefit his corporate overlords. And they damn sure didn't need an Attorney General who thought that the Geneva Conventions were "quaint."

I throw up in my mouth a little every time I think of Alberto Gonzales holding the office that Robert F. Kennedy once held. Kennedy used his time as Attorney General to help people and to make things right. Gonzo used his time in the same office to help the Chicken Hawk in Chief grab more power and to oppres the citizens of this country and abroad. I shudder to think that that prick Gonzo might still be helping Iraq set up a justice system.

Do the world a favor Gonzo, slink back to Texas and crawl back under the rock you used to live under. And don't letthe door hit you on your way out.


Angry Ballerina said...

I would make a crass remark in regards to illegal immigration and that fuckwad, but, I can't get the bitchiness in order this morning. It will come to shall come...

Freida Bee said...

Don't send him back to Texas!

How about Guantanamo or something, Berto? I hear they've got good healthcare after they "interrogate" you. You might fit in if you know too much.

Ubermilf said...

You can send him to the Chicagoland area, if you like.

I've got a pitchfork, tar and feathers.

Life As I Know It Now said...

I heard that he told a bunch of interns recently that he is going back to the corporate sector so he can make a lot of money. He reportedly told these young interns that one only has to be in public service for a couple of years and then you leave to go make the big money. Sounds like the American dream alright, repugnant/republican style.

Distributorcap said...

that picture of Fredo at Abu Graibh

was that photoshopped?


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

AB-Never be stopped when making a crass remark.

Freida-Sorry hon, you people made him now you got to take him back.

UberMILF-If only I could send him your way hon.

Liberality-Thats what it's all about to them, making money. It's never about serving your fellow humans.

Dcap-It was photoshopped by someone other than me. I just steal I do not create.