Wednesday, July 18, 2007

True Employment Tales!

Back when I worked for Myers Tire Supply I had to call on truck tire retread plants because a big part of Myers business is in the retreading supply industry.

One day I stopped at one of my regular customers who has a shop not too far from where I live today. I went in to the plant and I began asking one of the guys who did part of the ordering what he needed that week. He gave me his order and then he said, "Hang on a minute, I got something I want you to see."

I stood there politely but I really wanted to hurry the hell up and get out of there because I secretly hated retreading plants what with all the rubber dust, the heat, the exposure to all the liquid cements used in the process, and the noise. He shuffled through a stack of papers and then he finally pulled out out and handed it to me. He said kind of proudly, "I though you might be interested in this."

I looked down and I saw he had handed me an application to join the KKK. Now I actually have blonde hair, it's naturally blonde too ladies so nah nah nah, and blue eyes, and a guy once jokingly told me I was Hitler's wet dream, but I am no racist, and I know I would have made a lousy KKK member. I was a bit taken aback that he thought I would be a good KKK member candidate, that he had an application in the first place, and that the KKK even required people to fill out applications to join them.

Nervously I handed him back the form. I said, "Well, what with the job and the other things I got going on I really don't have time for extra activities."

He nodded understandingly and filed away his KKK application form.

I never talked to him much on any sales calls after that.


Evil Spock said...

God, did the guy seem perfectly normal before the application?

That's what scares me, not the loud, obnoxious racist, but the quiet ones who recruit politely.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Yeah he seemed kind of normal. It creeped me out for days.

Joe said...

Yow! You handled that pretty well.

Reminds me of the time a family friend when I was a kid, about in middle school, pulled me aside and gave me a bunch of John Birch literature. Yours was way worse.

Anonymous said...

you handled that much better than i would have!

which would have started somewhere along the lines of, "Hey, sit still a minute and open your mouth. I've gotta pee."

Johnny Yen said...


I'll be posting soon about an experience of being in a bar with a racially mixed friend, and discovering that neo-nazis hung out at the bar we were in. Creepy.

NotSoccer Mom said...

man, i would have been creeped out for years, not days!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Bubs-Goes to show you racist asshole are everywhere at every age.

Johnny-I look forward to reading that.

Nonsoccer mom-Sometimes you just gotta keep on going despite the freaks.

Jess Wundrun said...

skeevy yet sad, too. Did you have any pot you could have sold the guy? I mean, maybe just a new hobby?

Anonymous said...

I have got to change jobs. As soon as you mentioned a KKK membership application, I immediately thought "Wow, that's odd. I wonder what their governance structure is? What are their membership dues? How often do they do strategic planning and update their mission and vision statements?"

Association management work has riddled my brain with holes apparently.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Jess-How did you know I sold pot then too?

D Cup-You do need to change jobs hon.

joshhill1021 said...

I really want to know what is on that application. When was the last time you burned a cross? Have you lynched anyone lately? i mean really why does the KKK need an application form, I would think they would not want to have a paper trail, anyway very weird and creepy.

SamuraiFrog said...
