Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Oh you!

You are a funny one Gonzo.

Oops, wrong Gonzo. But no offense my blue friend, I do think you're funny. And you're one of my favorite Muppets.

Actually this was the Gonzo I meant:

He says he wants to stay on at the Justice Department so that he can clean it up and restore it's image among Americans. Now that's a good one. Does he not get it that he's the one who dirtied up the Justice Department and the one, well him and his idiot boss, who tarnished the image of the Justice Department?

I've lived long enough to know that the Justice Department is the one government agency that is supposed to be above politics. Why is that? Because justice is supposed to be blind. But it's not sometimes. Sometimes justice ignores the black people who suffered for so long, and the Native Americans, and women, and gays and lesbians, and Hispanics, and others. And other times justice is perverted by the men who are supposed to be guiding her, cases in point Nixon's Attorney General John Mitchell and Bush's Latino poodle Alberto Gonzalez, the man who says that he is certain that in no way did politics play a role in the US Attorney firings and but that he's also uncertain how the names of said attorneys got on his hit list in the first place.

He's an incompetent idiot just like his boss. He can't even put together a plausible lie to tell to Congress after he's had weeks of practice time. And now he wants to stay to lead the clean up of the mess he created. Yeah, right. He wants to stay so he can be King George the Asshole's point man in the cover up.

Alberto desperately wants all this shit to blow over so he can go back to polishing the President's knob and trying to make people forget that there were once Latinos in public life who did good things, people like Caesar Chavez. Gonzo also wants us all to take a couple of these so we'll be good little sheep.

I can picture him singing that Oingo Boingo song lyric, "Just take your medicine and don't complain when it don't taste good."

Well Gonzo, I'm sorry bud, but I'm not taking your pills or swallowing your Kool-Aid.


kelsi said...

good lord, he's upsetting. there's nothing worse than a lying, cheating, toadying turncoat who forgets not only where he came from but how to be a human.
i was excited to hear that he's going to get the questions for his next round of hearings ahead of time so that he won't be able to fall back on "i don't know" or "i can't recall."
not that it'll work, but hey, at least someone's trying.

Serena Freewomyn said...

LOL! Nice one!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Kelsi-Good to see you again.

Gspot-It's alwats good to find you here. Thanks for stopping by.