Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Nice Job George

Way to go George. As you once so famously said to your pal Michael Brown, "You're doin' a heck of a job!" I just saw where we're going on over four years in your war on terror and with almost a million Iraqis dead, and god knows how many Afghans too, that the group who you claim is you main enemy is now as strong as they were in 2001, maybe even stronger.
You're doing a good a job on this whole war thing as you've done on the environment and the economy. But I got to hand it to you, you were right about one thing, you are a uniter. You've done one hell of a job uniting Al Qaeda and others against us. You've done one hell of a job uniting your corporate pals at Blackwater USA and Halliburton so they could bleed us dry of our tax dollars.

You are one disgusting and vile human being. Your stupid war has cost so many lives and you will continue to sentence people to die and to a life of misery because you are too fucking stupid to understand that the way to end terrorism is to stop supporting the regimes who are propped up by multi national corporations and who refuse to give
their citizens basic human rights. Hey dumb ass, tell your house girl Condi that when the oppressed peoples in the Middle East get the chance to vote, they're gonna vote for Hamas or the Muslim Brotherhood, or anyone who is not stepping on their throats now, like your Saudi and Pakistani, and Egyptian, and Jordanian buddies are.

Man I can not wait for you to fucking die. I am not only "stand on your grave laughing as I tramp the dirt down," as Elvis Costello sang, I'm gonna fucking piss on it too. And if I have time, I'll shit on you the way you've shit on the American people, the world community, and on science and reason as well.

Every day you delay bringing our troops home you drive the nail a little deeper in the coffin of your reputation. It's so fucking funny when you say only history can judge you. I'm a historian, I have a degree in history, and I judge you to be a blood thirsty stubborn death hungry monster who deserves to be horse whipped for being such a dolt. History speaks loud and clear this second you moron and it's screaming, "STOP THE KILLING. END THE WAR. YOU LIED TO GET US INTO A WARWITHOUTENDAMEN."

But maybe you can't hear that over the sound of your frat boy laugh and the sound of the American people screaming as you fuck us with out even kissing us.Honestly, I did not think I could hate you more than I did, but when I found out Al Qaeda is getting stronger not weaker as a result of this war my hatred for you grew deeper. It's times like this I wish there was a hell for you to go rot in when you die. But I guess I'll have to settle for hoping you come back as a person born into a Muslim family who lives under the oppressive yoke of one of your allies in the Middle East, or better yet, you come back as a dirt poor black female so that you can experience all the oppression and racism that they get to deal with on a daily basis. But what I really wish is you drop dead now so you can come back as one of those things real real soon.


Pam said...

Dr. M, it's really not healthy to hold back like that. Let us know how you really feel about the idiot-in-chief.

Life As I Know It Now said...

he's doing it on purpose though and that is the most maddening thing of all. all war all the time and lots of profits for his corporate pals and VP. and to him that is all that matters, he could give a fuck less what you or I think. so, yeah, that can be frustrating to say the least.

Joe said...

He is the perfect zealot frontman for a bunch of robber barons. The outrage boggles the mind. Really, his administration has hit the point where the incompetence and greed is beyond belief.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Pam-Thanks for the advice. I'd have no problem taking it from someone who was not sticking their tongue out at me. So nah nah nah.

Liberality-You know my pain sir, you know my pain.

Bubs-It is "beyond belief" that's why I'm leaving that Elvis quote on the masthead.

Jenn Siva said...

If he wasnt such a fucking tool, I might be mad at him too. At this point, I just feel bad for someone so dumb. I do however have venom for those holding the strings of his puppet ass.