Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday in the park with Monkey

My girlfriend is off from work this week, she is finally using some of the weeks of vacation she has built up, so we went to walk this morning at one of our favorite parks here in Johnson City. It's called Willow Springs and we usually only go there on the weekends so it was nice to walk there on a Monday.
I'm used to her being home during the week only on holidays so I said to her, "It feels like a holiday to me."
She said, "Because I'm home with you?"
I replied, "No, it's because you're usually only home on a weekday if it's a holiday."
She said, "That's not the answer I wanted to hear."
I should learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes.

Anyway, here are some pictures of Willow Springs park.

The rain clouds were finally passing over the mountains when we got there this morning. A lone tree guards one of the areas where the city guys mow.The pond is way down due to the lack of rain we've had lately. There are koi and some other types of fish in the pond, along with frogs, and some various birds who feed off the insects that dwell there too.They leave a huge triangular area unmowed and unmolested so as to draw different birds and butterflies. This shot of the Queen Anne's Lace is from that area.So are these big ass thistles. Thistles get no love from people but I like the spiky purple flower.Another thistle.I like these little blue flowers too. I think they call them Drunken Sailors.I love these little flowers too. They seem to be the underdog of the flower world and I always root for the underdog, unless it's Notre Dame, Ohio State, the Yankees, or the Cowboys.

Since I am wise and merciful I will not post the picture of me my gf took. I will spare you the sight of the throbbingly hot yet still tubby Monkerstein experience. Maybe one day, but not now.


Katie Schwartz said...

what a lovely day ya's had.

stunning park. would love to bring juice.

Joe said...

Beautiful day, beautiful pics! Man, I'd love to have a view of hills like that anywhere near me.

Seeing pics like that take me away for a while. Thanks.

Dan said...

Beautiful photos from a lovely walk. I evny you for being close to such loveliness.

robkroese said...

I have had a few conversations like that with my wife. I think I learned when to stop talking after being married for about 12 years.

Anonymous said...

You're just like Donovan, wild about electrical bananas and hurdy gurdy men .... and nature ... and flowers.

Cup said...

Beautiful, Dr. M! And you really need to listen when we chicks lob the easy ones your way.

Splotchy said...

Man, with these kinds of posts combined with the recent pics of Bubs' garden, I am feeling all tranquil and at one with the world.

Looks to be a beautiful place.

Splotchy said...

Oh, and sorry about the foot-in-the-mouth bit with your gf.

I am unfortunately quite familiar with making those sorts of lunkheaded kinda comments.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Jewgirl-Yes, bring some gin and juice!

Bubs-Comeon down and bring the family for a visit, they'd love the mountains.


Diesel-You'd think I would have learned after 14, but sadly, no.

Beth-My problem is I am always loking for the punchline!

Splotchy-It is a beautiful world, even with lunkheads like us in it!