That intellectual dwarf Michelle Malkin has already been slamming the event on her blog as has her eminently idiotic and increasingly out of touch pals over at the National Review. They just hate it when anyone tries to make a positive difference in the world. They hate it even though if we fully embraced the reality of our changing climate and started doing something about it, then hundreds of businesses would spring up to come up with alternative energy solutions and they would employ thousands of people. But that would be a bad thing I guess to Malkin and her rich old stick in the mud buddies because multinational corporations wouldn't get to dominate the field like they do everywhere else. And they hate it because people will be meeting their neighbors and networking at the local parties worldwide, they always hate it when the people get together and do something to help one another, their goal is to keep us separated and dispirited.
I'm not gonna lecture you all about recycling or using fluorescent light bulbs in place of the older incandescent kind, hell most of you know that. But I will write later about things we can do to change the corporations behavior to make them better citizens of our world. And I'll let you know if any thing interesting happens at my Live Earth party.

Have fun!
Extremely well said! I want to do something about global warming and about Michelle Malkin and her ilk. Its their hot air that causes much of the damage, isn't it? (I guess this means I am staying BTW.)
Thanks for a great and inspiring post.
Bubs-I shall my friend.
Fran-Thanks for reading and when the heck are you going to do that 8 things meme (meem) I tagged you with about a week ago?
Good Doctor! Whoa I missed that- you may have noticed I was not at my best last week, very cranky pants and about to leave the country.
Sorry, let me go find it and get my meme on!
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