Monday, July 2, 2007

Ka-Ka-Ka-Katie did

My Jewish princess blog-friend Katie who is the funniest goil in the woild tagged me with three meems. This is the first, I'll do the other two in a couple of days. What's the rush? Who died and made you Elvis? Stop kvetching you or Monkey boy spank.

A- Available or Single

B- Best Friend
My buddy Todd. We were in the improv comedy group Einstein Simplified together. He said of me onstage once that if anyone had an evil twin brother, it would be my brother. No one makes me laugh like ol' Todd. He rode with me in the ambulance when I was having my heart attack and the people in admitting at the hospital thought he was my boyfriend, that made me laugh like crazy when I found out.

C- Cake or Pie
Cake if it's chocolate with chocolate frosting. Pie if it's pecan, hold on, I can't have pecan pie any more, damn.

D- Drink of Choice
In the morning, Mountain Dew, all that sugar, all that caffeine. In the evening, beer.

E- Essential Item
My glasses. I will fucking kill you if you try to take my glasses.

F- Favorite Color
Green but when it comes to sports teams, red. Red Sox, Red Wings, Red Skins.

G- Gummi Bears or Worms
Worms. More Gummi for the tummi.

H- Hometown
The cradle of comedy legends, Detroit, Michigan.

I- Indulgence
Sweets for my sweet.

J- January or February
February made me shiver but I still choose it. It's short and March comes next and March means spring down south.

K- Kids
None of my own, but if you have any and I like them, then I'll entertain them and spoil them.

L- Life is incomplete without
the inernets. I love the internets.

M- Marriage Date
Is that a new brand of date? I usually buy Dromedary brand dates.

N- Number of Siblings?
I started out with four and I have one left. He and I talk from time to time but mostly not. I'll share about the others later if and when the time is right. Don't get me wrong though, I love(d) all of them, I just don't have to be around or talk to them to love them.

O- Oranges or Apples?
Oranges. Such a versatile fruit. You can cook with the zest, juice it, eat it raw, flavor soda (I used to have an addiction to Orange Crush when I was in college) with it, make jelly out of it, and it can keep you from getting scurvy.

P- Phobias/Fears
I have a phobia about rats, big ass honkin' mother effin' balls out city rats. I fear lingering slow painful death, I hope mine comes quick so that I can come back quick in whatever form I'm coming back as.

Q- Favorite Quote
"Death before dishonor, drugs before lunch." Hunter S. Thompson
"Day, night, it don't mean shit kid." Harry Dean Stanton in Repo Man
"'Tis a bright day that brings forth the adder." From Julius Caesar by Billy Shakespeare

R- Reasons to smile
Making my girlfriend laugh, hearing little kids squeal with laughter and delight, sitting on the sea shore at Atlantic Beach, North Carolina and watching the waves and maybe seeing a dolphin jump up out of the water.

S- Season
Fall. It's got everything, color, new TV shows, the World Series, college football, cool temps, sunny days that are still warmish, and boat loads of apple cider.

T- Tag Three People
Shit, they're all too damn fast. I'll try later I promise.

U- Unknown Fact About Me
I've seen Flashdance from start to finish more times than I will ever admit to.

W- Worst Habit
Being rude to people who did nothing to deserve it. And I hate myself after I do it. I'm an ass sometimes.

Y- Your Favorite Foods
Chicken, fruit flavored yogurts, brownies, fresh baked bread from our local non corporate owned bakery Scratch, aloo sag, most Chinese foods, dried cherries and blueberries, and most of all German Chocolate cake, but I only get that once a year on my birthday.

Z- Zodiac
Libra. I'm all about balance baby. And fairness. And being a sex machine to all the chicks, oh wait, that's Shaft.


Snad said...

Ah, Monkey -

We have so many things in common. However, Flashdance is not one of them (and I also have no idea what "meem" means).

Evil Spock said...

Evil Spock did this for Meme-morial Day.

Your fear of rats will be useful when Evil Spock steals the presidency from you in 2012.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Snad-The world can be divided into two groups of people, those who love Flashdance and those wo do not.

Evil Spock-Damn man, you are evil aren't you?

Snad said...

Monkey -

I didn't say I don't love Flashdance. I've just never seen it! The world can always be divided more. That explains Rhode Island.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's true. At the hospital, the nurse thought I was your partner, but she thought I was a terrible partner. Every question she asked ... when's his birthday, his address, his work number ... I answered with, "Geez, I don't know."

The nurse stared balefully at me, so I, rather helpfully I thought, offered, "He does an unnervingly accurate impression of Harry Carey drunkenly announcing a wedding ceremony gone horribly awry."

I was made to go out and sit in the waiting room after that. And by the way, nurses actually cuss far more scarily than longshoremen do.

Katie Schwartz said...

ya big stud you. orange crush?! you are so not a jewboy ;)

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Snad-No excuse, go buy Flashdance now and be swept away by the filmic pleasures of it.

Covert-No wonder all the nurses whispered behind your back when you came to see me in the hospital. They were plotting your demise.

Katie-And that's why you love me (I hope).