Monday, July 9, 2007

Evolution on the march!

It took Bob McNamara, LBJ's Sec. of Defense, almost 30 years before he could admit he was wrong about the war in Viet Nam and many many many people died needlessly because of his stubborn actions. Many more still suffer in Viet Nam, Cambodia, Laos, and the USA today because of him and his warmongering bosses. It took Colin Powell, King George the Worst's Sec. of State, only a few years before he could admit that he was wrong about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and many many many people have been killed and maimed for life because of his and his bosses lust for power and oil. And many many many more people will suffer unimaginably horrific injuries for many many many years to come in Iraq and Afghanistan as a direct result of what Colin and his pals did. But at least Colin "got it" quicker than McNamara.
Maybe one day all people will be as highly evolved as Dennis Kucinich. Dennis says we should stop using war as an instrument of diplomacy. He's the only presidential candidate to say that. Many many many people would live happier lives if we were all as evolved as Dennis.

Highly evolved and a sex machine that snared a smokin' hot British gal, how could you not love Dennis?


Evil Spock said...

I <3 Kucinich.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

It's good to know you are capable of love o evil one.

Johnny Yen said...

I like his politics enough to forgive his bad combover.

Joe said...

Maybe some day Americans will be evolved enough to vote for a papery vegan gnome for president.

Joe said...

Which isn't to say I don't like his politics. I do. Just thought I'd clarify that.

Cup said...

I'd nail Kucinich for being the most straightforward politician running for president. But I'm easy.

pissed off patricia said...

I don't love him but I sure do agree with a whole lot of what he says.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Johnny-We all have our flaws.

Bubs-If you ever met the guy then you'd sing a different tune. He's not papery in person, it's just that he does not photograph well. And he's got a handshake grip that would kill lesser mortals.

Beth-Thanks for letting me know you're easy. I'll file that info in my "things that may come in handy to know later" file.

Pissed-If you look at the record, Dennis is the only candiate who has not wavered one iota in his positions. He is consistently on our side and he always has been.

Life As I Know It Now said...

Denny is the man!