Saturday, June 23, 2007

Guest blogging!

Whew, I have the honor, or will it turn out to be a horrible mistake?, of guest blogging!Commander Otherwhirled has graciously allowed me to guest blog on his great blog while he is out of town. Joining me in filling in for the Commander is none other than Tengrain from Mock Paper Scissors. I'm honored to be filling in for the Commander and humbled to be working with the great Tengrain, it's like subbing for M.C. Escher and having Rene Magritte back my paint by numbers ass up.
Seriously, if your snark levels are falling, then go see our guest posts over at the Commander's blog. And if you aren't checking out the Commander's blog on a daily basis, then what is your problem?


Dr. Zaius said...

Cool beans! Tengrain rocks! I am sure that you will have fun.

Fran said...

I have already been there and left my mark...

Blog Monkey Blog!