But today we'd like to extend special thank you to the good folks at the Pentagon for dropping by. That's right boys and girls we had a visit from someone who works for the Army Information Systems Command in the Pentagon stop by our little blog and they had a gander at our report on the Depleted Uranium weapons conference. It took them a couple of days to find it and while we're glad they stopped by, we think they may have more pressing things to do on their work time than to look at our blog. Things like, ohh say, fighting the war of terror, dropping more DU infected bombs, bullying military and ex-military families into keeping quiet about their DU injuries and children born with birth defects, disseminating propaganda, and the like.
Now we realize some of you out there may be skeptical and say, "Monkerstein, you're full of shit, no one from the Pentagon visited your blog. And if they did, how would you know?"
Well, we signed up for Sitemeter a few days ago and through them we can track who is visiting us, where in the world our visitors come from, how long they stay, what language they use, the browser they use when visiting us, and more. We love Sitemeter for doing all that for us for free, in fact, if they ever want us to do a commercial for them, we'll do it in a heart beat. We also copied all the info from the Pentagon visitor's visit and we've made a hard copy of the info.
It's flattering they would check out our little blog, and it's a little creepy as well. But Pentagon people, what you need to understand is that we will not stop writing about depleted uranium infected weapons and the damage they do to people and the planet. You will not shut us up. It is our duty to speak up about your perfidy. The genie is out of the bottle, the cat is out of the bag, soon the chickens will come home to roost, and we here at Monkey Muck will chatter and chatter about depleted uranium until it's use is stopped entirely.
And so folks at the Pentagon, we like to remind you to

The Pentagon? Dude, you've hit the big-time. An all expenses vacation to a remote resort in Cuba might be in your future.
And to think, they came to your site through mine. I feel like a proud father with a hairy baby.
Yo Dad, I need some money and can I borrow the car?
Manila will look cuter in an orange jumpsuit than you, Doctor.
But I'll bet you get promoted to "uncooperative prisoner" faster.
That means you'll get your own room for like, forever.
They pay guys to read the blogs. No shit. Gotta keep up with what the traitorous liberals are saying.
Someone from the Justice Department spent more than an hour on my blog once ... it seemed a little creepy.
I actually got a hit from the House of Representatives (post about Condaleeza Rice being a vampire), the Pentagon (post about Rumsfeld being a vampire) and one that came from an email link from Rep. Kingston (post about Rep. Kingston being an idiot). I think that almost all of that stuff is done by spider robots. I think that there is not actually be a person on the other end in most cases.
I'm glad that you took my advice about sitemeter. You're first counter looked kind of limited. You can have all kinds of fun trying to figure out what the heck readings mean!
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