Wednesday, May 30, 2007


We booted Democratic Underground off our little blog roll due to their snide remarks about Cindy Sheehan. It galled us to no end that a supposedly "progressive" blog would deride a woman who lost her son in the Idiot in Chief's war on Iraq and Afghanistan and who then went on to be the public face of the anti-war movement. Those pricks over there would not even be protesting or speaking out today if not for La Sheehan.

Kiss our simian asses Democratic Underground. And stay the hell of our blog you punks.

Oh yeah, and if you happen to read this Cindy, thanks so much for all your hard work. We love you hon.

UPDATED @ 1:45 PM with a haiku for La Sheehan:

A mother lost her young son,

Then she fought the war.

Thank you "Peace Mom" Cindy S.

1 comment:

Dr. Zaius said...

OK, you got me to go and look. There was bad stuff, but most of the people were very supportive. Hard to believe the anyone would diss Cindy.