Since I don't take ads on or make money off of my left wing blog, I know you weren't referring to me when you made your comments about 'the professional left.' But you know what Robert? Fuck you very much just the same.
Dude, people on the left need to get drug tested because they disagree with the shitty way you and your boss treat them? Up yours you asshole. People on the left get pissed off because the people they helped get elected keep shitting all over them.
You cowards are so afraid of your own shadow and what they are going to say about you on FOX Noise that you have to demonize people who worked their asses off to get you and your cronies elected? Not cool dude. And spare me the bullshit that I don't know what it's like to work in the White House at the top political level, I don't need to know what it's like, what I do know is how to treat people who help me and that's what you need to learn.
I expect scorn and derision from people on the right, from intolerant Christians, from the idiots who want to 'protect' the Constitution by ripping it apart and pissing on it, and you know what Robert? I welcome their scorn and derision. I welcome it because I know I'm right and they're wrong. I know that the best way forward for the whole country, not just the rich and powerful few, is via the progressive path.
What I don't expect is to get treated like shit by people I helped put in power.
So in conclusion, fuck you. Fuck you, fuck President Obama, fuck Rahm, fuck Mark Penn, fuck the Clinton's, fuck James Carville and his uber creepy wife, and fuck anyone who says I have to support or vote for you frauds again. I don't have to vote for you, there are more than enough people who will get scared and drink the Kool Aid in 2012 and they'll swallow the bullshit lie that if we don't vote for your man Obama that Sarah Palin and the Christian Taliban will take over and plunge us into more wars. Fuck that. Fuck them. And fuck you, you ungrateful bastard. And go fuck yourself, you fucking fuck.
Dr. Monkey
PS: Seriously, I mean it, fuck off you fucking fucktard.
And by the way, f*ck the Democratic Senators who would'nt vote for the health care bill if a public option was included. For lying bastards, the republicans at least stick together to push things through. We're f*cked.
DrGoat, capital letters matter. When referring to the other major political party in this country, it's 'Republicans' not 'republicans.' I'm a republican but not a Republican. Thanks.
Capital letters also matter when discussing the Polish.
In other news, I couldn't agree more.
Just found your blog a few days ago, enjoy it. And totally agree with today's post. The administration/some of democrat congress lost me when they royally screwed up the health care bill and passed it without a single nod to the public option.
Thanks for stopping by, reading and commenting C.S. I've added you to my blog roll. Looking forward to reading you and to hearing what you have to say here. :D
Nicely said.
Yeah! Testify, brother! You did, however, neglect to use the word "fuck" in its adverbial sense, i.e. "fuckety." Example: "Well, fuckety fuck fuck fuck fuck!" ;)
I agree with Alan Greyson who has been calling for this goof to be fired. He is such a condescending asshole and the kind of kid that would have run home to his mother for protection after he got caught throwing rocks at other kids. I think it's time we wait for him at the bus stop with our wool socks full of nickles and give him an old school beating.
I fucking love this post.
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