More people opposed this country attacking Iraq than voted for Bush McCain and Theocratic Barbie. More people took to the streets to call for the impeachment of Bush/Cheney than marched with loaded weapons on the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing the other day.
But you'll never ever hear those things mentioned on the corporate media news pundit channels, especially Fox. And they'll also never ever tell you how their audience is shrinking as more and more people turn off their TV's and search out news and opinion on the internet.
I have to agree with whoever wrote with crayon on Palin's hand the phrase, "Lame Stream Media"!! That cuts both ways, she didn't like what the media was reporting and I don't like what it is not reporting!!
You noticed that. Ya gotta wonder why they give so much more attention to right wing extremists than they do to an overwhelmingly larger number of people with the opposite view. Obviously, the people who tell the media who to focus attention on has an agenda, and it's not a liberal one. The liberal media indeed.
I know, right? Makes my head hurt.
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