Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hippocratic oaf

This is the jack ass doctor who doesn't want to treat anyone who voted for Obama now that health care reform has become law. I'm guessing his deal is he hates big government. Which means all the people on any kind of government backed insurance who used to be his patients, will now have to go elsewhere. Oh wait, no they won't, because he's a hypocrite who loves what government does for him but hates it when government helps out those less fortunate than him.


Mnmom said...

He should lose his license for this.

Lsamsa said...

This guy makes me sick (pun totally intended)!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I wouldn't even want him treating me.

Nan said...

There's been a lot of discussion about this guy. Apparently he has no trouble whatsoever accepting Medicare and Medicaid patients and payments, so it isn't the government per se that bothers him -- it's Obama.

Blueberry said...

I'm glad he put up that sign. If he was my doctor or if I was considering seeing him it would change my mind about doing so.

ReaderRita said...

What Nan said is what I find to be SO F#$@ing funny about all of this- The teabaggers et al all saying "Down with socialist government run healthcare, but don't touch my VA benefits, or my Medicare"
Who the hell do they think provides THOSE things?
The F*@#ing Capitalist healthcare FAIRY?

Anonymous said...

The sign will work, but not the way he planned. Blueberry has the right idea.

Megan said...

I hope his 15 minutes include him losing his license to practice.

(PS, having the hardest time commenting here, lately. Takes forever for this little box to pop up. Anyone else noticed anything?)

libhom said...

The biggest irony here is that the wealthcare bill is not government healthcare.

Kulkuri said...

He doesn't even know what's in the bill he is against. In an interview with Alan Colmes he couldn't come up with what was in the bill that he objected to. He said some stuff he was against, but it wasn't in the bill.