Monday, December 7, 2009

I don't ever want to hear from or about the following people ever again:

  1. Aston Kucher
  2. Demi Moore
  3. Tiger Woods
  4. Whoever Tiger Woods stuck his driver in and out of repeatedly
  5. Anyone connected with American Idol
  6. That pile of Scientology grease, John Travolta
  7. Nancy Grace
  8. Sarah Plain
  9. Tea baggers and the people who promote them
  10. Olympia Snowe
  11. Kirk Cameron and his evolution denying sidekick
  12. Evangelists
  13. Twilight and True Blood actors and fans
  14. Hipster store clerks who think I am there to validate their existence
  15. Everyone in and connected with the house of Saud
I reserve the right to add more names and groups of people to this list whenever I feel the hell like it.


Megan said...

One of my cousins (NOT the ones I went to Disneyland with!) became a fan of Nancy Grace the other day.

I can't unfriend (defriend? what's the facebook nomenclature) a cousin, but I soooooo wanted to say something...

Wings1295 said...

#13 is a bit harsh. My daughter loves the Twilight books and flix. All teens have their fads, no?

But OH YEAH, right there with ya on #11.

Mauigirl said...

This list is a great start but I'm sure I can think of more...for instance, let's mention Glenn Beck!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Whew, you have no idea how relieved I am to not see my name on there. Yet.

Mnmom said...

Like Barbara I was relieved my name wasn't on the list. Agreed 100% with all of them.

Ubermilf said...

Lou Dobbs?

Fred Phelps?

Dick Cheney's daughter?

(these are meant to complement, not replace, yours)

Snad said...

Thank heavens you haven't mentioned Glenn Beck. I've almost finished your Christmas Sweater!

Anonymous said...

Poor Wings who thinks Twilight is just a harmless teen fad, when in reality it's an evil Mormon cult.

Anonymous said...

I second the list, but would add all Cheneys, Bushs and Clintons (ok, we are stuck with Hill for a while, but enough of Bill and I don't give a shit about Chelsea's engagement. Enough.)

Karen Zipdrive said...

Good luck on avoiding the Tiger Woods thing.

Anonymous said...

Can I add Ann Coulter to your list? That is the same list I have except I have a few more names than that.
I'm a bit bitter.