Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Feeding time is over

I refuse to give talk radio hate merchants, failed governors of Alaska, and opinion show hosts on Fox any more publicity on this blog. Most of them say shit just to get people riled up and I'm not taking their bait. I'm going to continue to ignore the blotchy faced Irish guy, the crybaby Mormon with a crew cut, Quitter Palin (unless she runs for public office then all bets are off and I'll write about her lack of qualifications until the cows come home), and the troika of the fat drug addict, the skinny blond, and the hateful Filipino chick who's parents came to this country illegally.

My position is that if I give their rants any post time on my blog then that makes them seem like they have valid points worth caring about. Saying their names gives them power and makes them stronger. Attacking their nonsense mere spreads their nonsense, so I'm not going to do it. I'm going to ignore them.

That's not to say that I am going to ignore the issues they rave about. If they touch on an issue that I feel passionate about I'll write about it here but I won't mention them.

These people who I won't mention anymore are charlatans and hucksters. They are out there to appeal to the lowest common denominator among us and they prey on the fear that Bush/Cheney stoked in people. And like all fakes and hucksters they'll get what's coming to them, a public shaming before their careers explode while they are being led off in handcuffs for whatever crimes they're sure to commit.

I've had enough of right wing and corporate media hate, it's time to move on from that bullshit. It's time to ignore those who bring nothing but hate and blame to the table and instead to listen to those who actually have constructive opinions and ideas.


Mnmom said...

Yup, don't feed the hyenas.

Remember how the right screamed about Obama's campaign being a "culture of personality"? That phrase comes to mind as the Queen of Shallow Stupidity made a Minnesota visit yesterday during her book tour. All her fans could say was that she was "real nice".

Kulkuri said...

One guy in MN didn't think she was nice, he got arrested for throwing tomatoes at her. Too bad none connected.

Snad said...

So shaddap about it already, willya?

Ubermilf said...

They're like Voldemort!

Anonymous said...

I agree 100%. The only time I blog about them is if they get indicted or caught with a hooker. Otherwise, they are dead to me. If enough people did this, they would eventually go away. Together they only command the eyes and ears of 1% of the most stupid of us. Enough.

Snad said...

"If enough people did this, they would eventually go away.

Maybe so, but we'll probably never know as long as they keep getting caught with hookers!

Karen Zipdrive said...

Thank God Tiger Woods's errant schlong has given us all something else to blog about.