Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Here's Chester with a word about Michael Vick who got released from prison today

"He's a giant douchebag who I hope never gets to play in the NFL again. And if I ever see him in person, I'll bite him. See if I don't. Oh yeah, before I forget, arf!"


joe said...

I'm with Chester.

Snad said...

See? I TOLD you Chester is one smart dog!

Anonymous said...

OMG, Chester looks like the long lost brother of my friend's dog, Figgie. I SWEAR they were separated at birth.

That being said, WELL SAID CHESTER!!!

Karen Zipdrive said...

What a cute mutt!
I love smiling dogs. If he were here I'd give him a steak.
Michael Vick will soon be playing pro football again, I heard it on the news.
I hope Chester goes to a game and bites him right in the butt.

Anonymous said...

Yay Chester! If you do see him, go for the gonads!

Kim @ The Girl Can't Help It said...

Word. If he was any ol' schmuck like the rest of us, he'd be rotting in the slammer for a helluva lot longer. He should be forced to cage fight a pack of half-starved, abused pit bulls and see how he makes out.

dguzman said...

Sic him, Chester! I'll bail you out of puppy prison!

themom said...

Way to go Chester. Spot on...Vick is a mutt too.

Snad said...

Hey, now. Mutts are inherently much nicer than Michael Vick. It's the over-under-and-in-bred ones that have all the problems.