The more fossils that are found to support the scientifically sound theory of evolution,

the more unhinged some of the Christians become.

They carped for years that if evolution were true then there would be "missing links" between humans and other primates. And now when more and more of them are showing up, they now claim that they are not the missing links they were talking about. But if you listen closely, you can hear Kirk Cameron's mind being blown and Patricia Heaton's soft sobs.
Hey Christians, the scientific evidence for evolution keeps piling up faster than Ted Haggard went through hand jobs, so you people really ought to jump on board. Tell ya what, if you want to claim that your god is behind evolution (even though we all know he's not really) then that's okay with me.
How something can be staring them right in the face, yet they deny, never ceases to astound me. Repeating bullshit will not make it come true. I never understood why they couldn't just claim that "GOD" put evolution into play - then at least they'd only be 50% batshit crazy.
LOL on Ted Haggard. Denial is always amazing to me. Facts - mean nothing. I mean outright data is scoffed at and rearranged to fit their perfect little worlds.
Jeebus put that there fossil where it would be discovered by scientists to test your faith, before riding off into the sunset on his T-Rex.
They'll just explain it all back into the cornfield with their "apparent age" bullshit. Can't have anything messing with their house of cards.
Q tells us we really evolved from a little patch of goo. Don't cross the Q with all your talk about primates. You should be Dr. Gooey Von Gooeystein!
I know, what is it about evolution they don't like? I never saw a disconnect between the idea of a God creating everything and doing it via evolution. (Of course, assuming there was a God in the first place). For one thing, in the Bible, the order of "creation" is pretty much the same as evolution - first the fish, then the animals, then the people.
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