Monday, May 18, 2009

Fear not, we are still friends

I had to remove that 'followers' thingy on my sidebar because it was causing my blog to take forever to load. I still love all of you 97 people who were on there and I hope you keep reading or doing whatever it is you do here, so don't be all pissed at me and shit.


Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

But will you judge the love?

Wings1295 said...

First you nonchalantly remove us and then you ask us to not be pissed about it?!?!

Damn, Dr. Monkey, how cruel are you???

Tengrain said...

Only death could make me stop following you, Dr. Von Monkerstein!

(And good for you for getting rid of that damn widget - I wish everyone would.)



Anonymous said...

I still feel the love
Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein.
