Friday, November 28, 2008

I live in a magical place where Thanksgiving meals never end

The table was set and at about 3:45 yesterday afternoon Sparky's family came over for dinner. Unfortunately Sparky's work friend couldn't make it because her little girl got sick. I was bummed because I was looking forward to seeing the little tyke because she and I have something in common, we've both had open heart surgery. I had mine at age 42 and little Maria had hers before she turned 2, she was born with a heart defect that they had to correct before her heart grew any bigger than it was then. Thankfully she made it through her operation with flying colors, and she probably shed a few less tears and complained less than I did when I had my open heart surgery. I had bought her a little book and I got the stuffed animals out for her to play with but sadly she caught some snotty nosed brat's cold in day care and she couldn't come. Here's hoping my lil' surgery buddy gets well soon!

Anyway, here's the Thanksgiving day supper she missed out on:
1. Turkey
2. Dressing
3. Sweet potato casserole
4. Stuffed mushrooms
5. Chips and homemade salsa
6. Fresh cut celery, carrots, and cherry tomatoes
7. Home made dip
8. Broccoli/cauliflower salad
9. Baked butternut squash with toasted pecans and bleu cheese
10. Cooked carrots
11. Cranberries
12. Gravy
13. Brussels sprouts
14. Mashed potatoes
15. Spicy shrimp
16. Homemade bread with herbed butter
With all that food you'd think we lay off the dessert wouldn't you? Well, you'd be wrong. Here's the dessert and drink table:
1. Red velvet cake
2. Pumpkin pie
3. Pecan pie
4. Homemade banana bread
5. Homemade pecan and chocolate chip cookies
6. Fruit salad
7. Pumpkin pie cake
8. Sweet tea
9. Unsweet tea

That's Sparky's dad pouring himself some unsweet tea. I showed him the post where I used his old army picture and he wanted to thank all of you for your nice comments, especially you K. Line.
We'll be having leftovers of that fine meal for a couple of days to come and tomorrow we go over to our friend Snad's house for Thanksgiving dinner with her and her husband, her brother Mike and his sons, and some other friends. We're looking forward to it because our friend Snad is not only a great commenter on my blog, she's also a damn fine cook and a great hostess.
In other good news I got an email from my old college buddy who just moved to Mumbai. He told me he's fine and that he was good and far from the terrorist fray.
Have great weekend kids, and happy eating!


Elizabeth said...

Hooray for Turkey Day at Monkey's house!

I'm sorry to hear your "lil' surgery buddy" didn't make it to yesterday's eating festival. I hope she gets better soon. I bet she'd have had a great time with the Monkeys.

What a lot of lovely food, Monkey! You'll be all set with leftovers for weeks to come.

Joe said...

Wow. Wow. That all looks fantastic. My hat's off to you and Sparky putting all that together.

I'm intrigued by the spicy shrimp. Would you share the recipe some time? I must say, we've never included a seafood dish (other than crawfish/cornbread stuffing one year) and we really love seafood.

Enjoy the leftovers!

Wandering Coyote said...

Wow - that's a feast and a half! The table looks beautiful, too; love the plates. Glad you had a good time!

Fran said...

Sorry your other friends could not make it.

It looks like it was great - and so nice to see the new digs alive with your feast!

Lots of monkeylove to you and yours.

Gifted Typist said...

what a feast you had

Barbara Bruederlin said...

What? No pinto beans?

If you need help with the leftovers, I can probably catch the next flight.

Claire said...

Holy cannoli, you guys really don't play when it comes to Thanksgiving dinner! I hope you had a great day and that your little buddy is better; I have a friend whose little girl (5 now) had open heart surgery at 6 months and 18 months, and she's quite well now. My sister has been beside herself over the India story. She goes to Bangalore and Hyderabad several times a year for work and stays at the Oberoi in Bangalore. She's never been to Mumbai, but she's made quite a few friends in Bangalore and is worried that the violence will spread there. Very sad story, I hope things settle there very soon.

themom said...

WOW! What a feast. Hey - we will have to start a "zipper" club and commiserate over heart surgeries. I had mine at 49 (after 8 heart attacks). Hope the little girl recuperates quickly - oh and can you send some banana bread through the mail?

Dr Zibbs said...

Looks great my friend.

Ubermilf said...

I like your funky square aqua plates.

Distributorcap said...

in case there is no room in the frig - send some here..

what a feast - and i hope your little pal is on the mend (you are such a mensch)

Anonymous said...

It seems like only yesterday that you blogged about a table groaning with Thanksgiving food. It all looks fabulous

Ubermilf said...

I'm also thankful you're not dead

Anonymous said...

I love Brussel sprouts. No, I'm not being ironic, either. Love 'em.

Tengrain said...

Dr. VonMonkerstein -

And all this time I thought Thanksgiving at Monkey HQ would be a bunch of bananas.

That's a great story about what you and the kid have in common. You are a prince amongst monkeys.



Karen Zipdrive said...

Looks like a pretty ingenious spread!
My big sister was the chef this year and she's a fanatic about traditional foods ONLY at the table.
So as I was mashing the potatoes, I asked her where the curry powder was. She almost collapsed on the floor.

K.Line said...

Hey Monkey: You tell Sparky's dad he's still adorable! (And thanks to him for fighting for freedom.)

What a beautiful table of food. I am salivating. Really. (How I love red velvet cake. It's so exotic and unnatural :-))

And I hope your little partner in heart realignment is on the mend. You are both very brave. xo

Missy said...

Ah ha ha ha, no pinto beans! Ha!

Barbara Bruederlin!

Gorgeous spread and love the table settings, nice robin's egg blue.

Thank you for the post card! It made my day!

Mnmom said...

I would have pulled a chair up to the drinks and dessert table and never left.

Katie Schwartz said...

I wish I was at your house, child. You threw one hell of a spread. How delish and good looking to boot.

I hope you had a beautimous T-Give.

I'm sorry you're little buddy couldn't make it. How is she feeling? Did she get over her cold?

Chris said...

Awe-freaking-some! And the dining table rocks too.