Friday, August 22, 2008


There was an anti gay hate crime in my fair city last night and you can read about it here.

This kind of shit sickens me beyond belief. And before any of you decide to leave me a comment that you're not surprised that this type of thing happened in TN, please don't waste your time because I'll just delete it. Let's be clear, this type of assault happens all over this country and it happens because of the climate of fear and anti gay hate that is stoked by the radical religious right and the Republican party.

Some in the radical religious right claim that they hate the "sin" of homosexuality but they love the homosexual. This of course is bullshit. People on the far right politically and religiously hate anyone who is not exactly like them. They need someone to demonize and and to try and "save" and who better to hate and despise than the people most unlike them in the world. It used to be they hated Jews, then blacks, then women's libbers, then hippies, then Communists, and now it's the gays turn to feel their wrath and unholy unchristian hatred.

Don't get me wrong people, not all religious people hate or fear gays. My friend Rev. Shuck is a huge advocate for gay, lesbian, and transgendered people. He's all for marriage equality and having gay people serve in the ministry. And he's a Presbyterian minister. And he started the local PFLAG chapter in our area. So not all men or women of the cloth are bad or "scum of the earth." Some actually believe in equality for all in all phases of life.

If people in the radical religious right stopped hating gays like James Dobson and Pat Robertson do and they started loving people the Jesus Christ said to then a lot of hate crimes against gay people would stop. But I'm not about to hold my breath waiting for the sanctimonious religious blowhards in this country to actually live as their messiah commanded them to.


Bradda said...

Well said. It's a national problem being fed by a small percentage of loonies. If only people in our country would learn to formulate an opinion based on life experience. Grow up in a small town(anywhere) and was taught to hat gays? Well, go live in a city for a few years and get to know a few! You just might make a friend. Blindly hating a whole group of Americans without ever even meeting one is just plain sad and scary. Sorry about the rant but I'm with you, this shit has got to stop!

Anonymous said...

Giving a voice to hate pays very well for people like Dobson and Robertson. Doing what Jesus would do don't pay shit.

bugbear said...

Straight guys are a disaster anywhere near a gay establishment, even with their ladies in tow.

Back when I lived in Louisville, KY I was nearly attacked by two men who had wandered into a gay club and didn't realize it till they were inside. Once they were out (I was walking up to the door) they immediately started yelling names and making threats because I was alone. I slipped inside as quick as I could because the Louisville police were not gay friendly at that time (they'd likely have ignored the incident).

Straight guys act out when other straight men are around because they have to support their 'manliness' and prove to the others that they're 'real' men. I remember gay club bouncers dreading the appearance of 'tourists', straight couples coming into the gay bar for kicks. The husbands/boyfriends would be so uptight and scared they'd start fights at the drop of a hat.

I feel for the guys in Johnson City. They're surrounded by it and it'll never get better until something bad happens and the straight guys get scared they'll be caught and actually punished.

It'll sound bad, but the best thing the Johnson City guys, and any of the gay folk in the mountains should do is just leave. Life is too precious and there's so much more of it OUTSIDE the hills, especially for gay people.

vikkitikkitavi said...

I can't believe the newspaper published a photo of the VICTIM???

Are you freaking kidding me??

It's like they want him to get beat up again.

Unknown said...

This is awful. And yes, why did they post a pic of the victim?? Why not the suspects? Gawd what assholes.

Micgar said...

Yeah I can't stand when people like Dobson say they love the gays-just not their lifestyles. If you listen to their broadcasts you can easily see that is not the case-they hate anyone who doesn't follow them and their extreme right views. Like the recent shooting in the Unitarian Church, was probably encouraged by the far right loonies on the radio/TV, this crime might have been encouraged by them also!

Mnmom said...

I also hate that "hate the sin, love the sinner" bullcrap.

I grew up in a small town, so don't blame the small town. Bigotry can be found in every neighborhood, big or small. It all starts at home.

Tell you children well.

Angry Ballerina said...

It always makes me wonder what they would do if they had their way...Like....another Holocaust? if you are not straight, Christian, and pro life, is your life of lesser value than someone who isn't????? Last time I checked, God made us all in His image.

So...can someone clarify this shit for me? It's been confusing me for the past 20 some odd years......

Virginia Pickel said...

Wow, that is awful. What is wrong with people??

Bridget Jones said...

Great post. Glad I don't live there, but that crap is up here in the GWN too.

How long is it gonna take for people to grow up?

Anonymous said...

You're right, this kind of thing is going to happen anywhere that hate is taught. Because that kind of hate doesn't just occur.

Elizabeth said...

These things do happen everywhere.

For example, a guy I knew from work was beaten within an inch of his life, in the downtown near where I live. He wound up in the hospital for a long time. A similar incident occurred in the "liberal" town where I used to live.

I feel so sad when I read about these occurrences, and I wonder why people care what goes on behind others' closed doors.

Ubermilf said...

There is such a fear and hatred of anyone who's "different" in this country.

The only difference between a small town and a city in this regard is it's easier to stand out in a small town. People notice when you dare not to conform.

It pains me that religion has become a social club. And "club" can be used in two senses here.

designdroid said...

Sadly, on the night California started issuing marriage licenses to gay couples, some fuckwad walked through the open patio door (it was hot outside) at my uncle's house in Colorado Springs, and proceeded to bludgeon him. My uncle (who happens to be gay) woke up to this, and ended up with around 50 staples in his head, and a very damaged hand. He's ok now, but they still haven't caught this creature (or creatures) who did this heinous hate crime.

As much as I am not a fan of violence, I don't think I would have minded it if this maggot of humanity was squashed like a bug. Or at least allowed to rot in some dungeon somewhere for all time. No punishment is great enough for such rot.