Wednesday, June 20, 2012

This is the place, now is the time

Listen up creative type people who read this blog, or, more to the point, get off your ass and create.  This is the best time there has ever been to get your creations out there in the world.

It used to be that if you were a writer your literary avenues to explore were limited.  Publishers and agents tightly controlled who got published and they kept thousands of writers from being in the market place.  Now with the internet and e books, anyone can get published.  Agents won't look at your manuscript?  Fuck 'em, write a blog.  Magazines won't take your submissions?  Up their ass, write your own magazine and publish it online.  No one wants to touch your novel about rabbits on the moon who plot to control the universe?  Well sport, publish that fucker as an e book, just don't price it too high.

You're a singer songwriter you say?  Can't get a gig you say?  You're full of shit I say.  Make a video, put it online.  Then send the link out to everyone remotely connected with the music business.  You Tube is your friend.

Is art your avocation or passion?  Do you make collages or oil paintings?  Into the fabric arts?  Are you a devotee of design?  Do you illustrate?  If you said yes to any of those things then you need to put your stuff online.  Art galleries are tightly controlled by people who's best interest is to tightly control who gets to see what, however, they can't stop you from putting your stuff on line and plugging the hell out of it.  Put it on Tumblr blog, Flickr, or any other blog site, although I don't recommend the fifth circle of hell known as LiveJournal because no one is going to take you seriously if you use that piece of shit website.

For many years I let my preconceived notions and ideas about what is and isn't art keep me from making things.  It's taken a long time but I finally threw off those shackles and I gleefully make all kinds of stuff now and I put it online, on Flickr, on Tumblr, and on Facebook.  The only person who was holding me back was me.  Same goes for you, if you're wanting to make things, be it music, art, or a novel, then stop wasting time and get started.  The internet has enabled all of us to live our creative dreams, so get off your ass and make something.  And if someone tells you it's wrong, then shut them out of your mind and just make stuff.  Keep doing it as long and as much as you like.  What you make is just as valid as what anyone else has ever made.  Fuck the naysayers, the haters, and the doubters, make your stuff and follow your muse.


mbarnato said...

Too true, Dr M. Creativity ~ it's good for what ails ya...

Kennedy said...


Great thoughts, and encouragement to a blogging newbie like myself. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

You are AWESOME.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

It's all true! The internet is your oyster. It never hurts to have a reminder about that fact.

C said...

Oh Dr MVM, I like your style! I could do with a pep talk from you every day!

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

Thank you for this reminder. I have everything I need to do the next two Uncle Ralph videos. Tonight's the night.

lisahgolden said...

Bingo. What a great post!

So many avenues to take. I'm getting out of my own way. I just want to write. Publishing seems like a pain in the ass that I'm not interested in right now.

As long as I can blog, I'm happy.

C.A. said...

Hmm, you forgot one thing: hire a great PR frim to make your work sell. Nope, not in PR, just learned the hard way as a novelist.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

No, I didn't forget anything. If oyu can't sell your work, then you don't need to be making it. It's yours, create it, stand by it, sell it. And stop manufacturing excuses for your failures or shortcomings.