Nothing says, "I hate you for watching so much football," more than some orzo, red pepper chunks, and turkey bits slapped together.

Yes, that's a sour cream and menstrual discharge loaf topped with a blade of grass. Doesn't every pre-menopausal woman make this for her family from time to time?

Tuna and green beans together again, at last.

Lawn clippings, check. Cream cheese, check. Mystery meat, check. All that stuff mixed together in a ring mold? Checkmate!
I think I made that pre-menopausal loaf once... :)
The closer I get to being menopausal the more loaves I'm betting I could make. So, if you'd like to put in an order.....
I am glad to see that football is made of orzo, because I sure as hell thought it was maggots.
that is rather disgusting looking food :)
Despite the obvious...these culinary horrors always seem to be absolutely huge! :o
Wow, I just don't know where to start. Maxi-loaf? Abominable salad nicoise? Aunt Myrtle's orzo football is the definition of sad.
Growing up in a Sicilian-American family, I assumed that the way they showed meals on those all American tv shows was part of the joke. I mean, Alice wuld make up everyone's plate (the same) and then put a plate on the table with slice white bread on it? And then I found out, no, it wasn't a joke. I know some kids who grew up in more ethnically identified families felt uncomfortable at lunch eating what their mothers packed while their friends ate bologna with mayo, but I knew I was lucky to have a veal cutlet sandwich on a good Italian roll and not that rot.
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