Now that Walker and his pack of anti worker/pro corporate thugs in the Wisconsin Senate have rammed through their bill stripping state workers of their rights, hopefully the rest of the state will wake up, lay down their cheese snacks, and go recall those bastards. Hopefully this is the moment when the American labor movement wakes up, because if they can get away with screwing over teachers then next up is cops, fireman, and anyone else who they deem a pig at the public trough.
Hopefully, in this dark moment while they sip champagne and slap each other on the back as they ass fuck the rest of us, we all get up and rise to reclaim our rights as citizens.
It used to be that that needs of the many out weighed the needs of the few. Since 1980 the greed of the upper class has over taken the needs of the many. Our politicians have had it ass backwards for too long and hopefully today we turn the tide. After all, there more of us than there are of them. We can run these bastards out, all we have to do it get off our asses and do it.
Here's to hoping. Enough. To steal the line from the Tea Partiers, it's time to take our country back from the Corporatists.
I hope you're right. If 'liberals' don't go on the offensive soon, they'll be hell to pay.
I'm into putting my money where my mouth is these days, so may I suggest:
the fight is still going on here in
Wisconsin.... but let's not forget that this Corporate shit is spreading..... don't forget Michigan....
... the state where 'Elections' don't count anymore.
Ohio has fallen - John Kasich is not wasting any time in ravaging this state.
Sorry, but public service unions have been looting the taxpayers for decades
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