Sunday, February 20, 2011

God hates labor unions


libhom said...

I wonder how much wealthy donors paid that church to put up that garbage.

jadedj said...

What a pile of inane bull hockey!

SkylersDad said...

Holy Crap.

Jim said...

Jesus did say to pay the laborer a fair wage for the work performed.
That church sign probably resides in the South.

Lsamsa said...

Jesus was probably the biggest socialist those people would ever encounter.
He'd probably be tarred & feathered by the 'moral majority/religious right/tea partiers today'.
Freaking morons.

Murr Brewster said...

Somebody is askin' for a smiting.

Dr. Monkey Hussein Monkerstein said...

Full disclosure people, I made that sign at!

jadedj said...


Professor Chaos said...

No, he didn't use collective bargaining and look what happened to him!

Blueberry said...

Jesus was the ultimate Union Rep - supposed to be sheltering his peeps from the wrath of the big boss guy - who would just as soon fry your butt as look at it.