The teabaggers who say they want their country back want to return the USA to the 1950's because that's when white people ruled supreme and most all white folks had decent jobs, nice homes, cars, and were sending their kids to college in record numbers.

But what the teabaggers forget is that during the 1950's union membership was at it's peak in our country and that most white folks were able to get out of poverty and obtain those nice houses, new cars, and money for their kids college because they were union members. The radical right teabaggers love to complain about unions but it was unions who helped them get where they are today. And they refuse to make the connection to the fact that since unions have been on the wane, so have their wages and benefits.
It's irony in action.
So you blog people say unions are good, and I just seen on "The News" that unions are responsible to cancer, the loss of the Lindberg baby and bananas spoiling quickly. Who do I believe? I'm perplexed.
Let's here it for irony!
How about we 'hear' it instead Barb.
Oddly enough, my husband and I were having a conversation on this very topic this morning. One of his union shop stewards is a Tea Bagging Birther. Irony much?
Don't forget the GI Bill, my dear...
Also, taxes were much higher for the upper classes back then.
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