"Jeeves, old man, you're fired," shot back Commodore Capitalism. "And don't even think of asking for any severance pay or a recommendation. Get out of my mansion before I throw you out you despicable ruffian."
The sad butler left his employer and he wandered the streets spreading the news that Commodore Capitalism had gone soft and was questioning the very economic system that he was sworn to uphold at any cost.

"Here now, wot's unusual about that? You ask fer a raise, you git fired, that's how it is," said the stranger who Jeeves had told his story to.
"Right you are guv, but in the old days before he went soft on capitalism, he would have fired me, beat me up, and dragged me through the streets to the hovel that I share with my family, whereupon he would have disemboweled me in front of them."
"Blimey," said the stranger, "he 'as gone soft, ain't he."

Still the word spread.

"Oh heavens, Commodore Capitalism has gone soft. He's questioning our right as rich white people to use up all the world's resources as we see fit, to treat people with dark skin like so much chattel, and to make the peasants and serfs our wage slaves!"
"That wastrel deserves a good trashing I say! A GOOD THRASHING!"
Then the unthinkable happened, Commodore Capitalism decided to go out to see what life was like for those who did not earn over $250,000 a year.

Once inside the nearest slum he stopped a worker and asked him how he would make the world a better place if given the chance. The worker said, "I'd make sure that people like me got paid a living wage that could lift my family out of poverty. I'd make them bosses stop taking all the profits for themselves and make them share it with the people who made them rich. I'd make health care free for all people and I'd make sure all workers were in a union or trade guild..."

Meanwhile, across town the Capitalist Cabal was convening.

"How dare they suggest we pay taxes! How dare they organize! Those ungrateful wretches, I'll see they all burn in hell."
"Question capitalism? Those god damn dirty Commie socialist pigs!"
Suddenly the door to the Capitalist Cabal Clubhouse burst open and in walked Commodore Capitalism! He stared them trio of hard bitten capitalist fat cats down and he said, "This was all a test to see if you men still believed in the free market system and in the God given right of the white upper class to use capitalism to keep ourselves in power. I had to know that you all backed unregulated unrestrained capitalism and would be willing to defend it with your very lives if need be!"
The men roared with laughter. "Us? Give our lives to keep our soul crushing system afloat? Oh my no, we'll pit the workers against each other and we'll use those Bronze age religions to keep them in line, so we're going to rule forever!"
A smile crept across Commodore Capitalism's smooth face. Before he rode off he told the men, "Where ever a union is being formed, I'll be there to stop it. Where ever someone demands worker's compensation after a work place accident, I'll be there to silence them. When someone asks for a raise I'll be there to get them fired. When someone suggests we pay more in taxes, I'll be there to raise theirs. When some sick kid with an incurable disease drains the profits of a hospital, I'll be there to pull the plug on the little bastard. When some Negro, female, or Latino demands that they be paid the same as a white man, I'll be there to make sure they get a pay cut. When someone speaks ill of this blessed economic system that has made us wealthy beyond our wildest dreams and that allows us to treat the world like it's our play toy, then I shall be there to call them a god damned dirty Commie and to discredit them any way I can. Gentlemen, I shall be ever vigilant and on guard to keep rich white male privilege and glorious capitalism alive!"

And the Commodore rides on.
Well done, you!
Very well done!
Just another day for Larry Ellison...
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