Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I've found a great alternative to soda. It's this:I personally haven't tried the lime flavor yet, I'm loving the pomegranate and raspberry lime flavors though.

For me what I love about soda is the carbonation and the flavors. I've always preferred my soda pop to have a fruit flavor and in Polar brand seltzer water I get the fruit flavor and the carbonation. It has no calories, no sugar, and no sodium. It's pure seltzer water with a little fruit flavor. I gave up soda that's been laced with High Fructose Corn Syrup, now known as Corn Sugar, and I'll have a sugar sweetened soda from time to time but these seltzer waters have been a boon to my soda desire.

If you're trying to give up HFCS (corn sugar) soda, or if you have a diabetic in your home who loved soda but can't have any now, try this seltzer.

Rest assured that I have not been paid by the makers of this product to endorse it. I don't take ads and I don't take money to endorse products.


lisahgolden said...

I'll have to check that out sometime. As I work (WORK!) to lose weight, I get tired of unsweet tea and water.

Wings1295 said...

Polar! The Polar HQ/distribution center is right near us, and I see the big bear on the roof all the time. :)

Devilham said...

Yup, good ol' Worcester MA.!!! I prefer just the plain old flavor myself, but the wife likes the cranberry flavored one. It's an excellent drink! A plain seltzer first thing in the morning if your hungover is a life saver, and if your not hungover, then a twist of lime and some vodka is simply grand (not recommended for the morning of course!)

MommyLisa said...

Water - seltzer - herbal tea - and the occaisional latte or cocoa are all I drink these days.

gmb said...

I may have to try it. I don't like soda--carbonation tastes salty to me--so no sodium sounds interesting.

Whiskeymarie said...

We usually have 2 twelve-packs of various bubbly waters on hand at any given time. Love it.

Cap'n Ergo "XL+II" Jinglebollocks said...

is it sweet enuff for those lookin' to switch o'er from HFCS to enjoy it? or is it more of an aquired taste??